Author Archives: RD Neha Kava

About RD Neha Kava

Neha Kava is a National Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist in India. She specializes ins Clinical Nutrition, weight management. She likes to spread awareness and educate her readers about health, nutrition, fitness, mental health, sexual health and diet tips for holistic health. You can connect with her on Or

Benefit of flaxseeds and its importance.

Flaxseeds, also known as “alsi,” have gained widespread attention in the country due to their numerous health benefits. These seeds have been used for medicinal purposes for many decades, and research supports their effectiveness. A 100-gram serving of ground flax seeds provides 450 kilocalories, 41 grams of fat, 28 grams of fiber, and 20 grams… Read More »


“Hey everyone! 🌟 Diet is becoming crucial in our lives, whether guided by professionals or self-chosen. The importance of adopting a healthy, well-balanced diet can’t be overstated. Whether you’re aiming to lose or gain weight or just stay healthy, following the right diet is key. Let’s prioritize our well-being by making informed and mindful choices!… Read More »

What are health hazards of Diet soda?

We often trust “Diet” products without researching, driven by our busy lives. Quick acceptance without evaluating positive and negative aspects can lead to health risks. For instance, diet sodas, while low in calories, may contribute to weight gain, kidney issues, mood alteration, dental problems, skin impact, and reproductive concerns due to artificial sweeteners and other… Read More »

5 Tips to Overcoming Hair Loss

Most people believe that hair loss is a problem that’s only experienced by women. The truth is that men too suffer from hair loss, often resulting in baldness. In fact, everyone desires to have thick hair that is free from bald patches in need of growth. The key to overcoming hair loss lies in knowing… Read More »

Do chocolates really help to lose weight?

Hello everyone! I know that among all the readers, there are maximum readers who are great chocolate lovers, and many of them have definitely heard about chocolate being helpful in losing weight. “Chocolate” is a very general word. There are thousands of different forms of chocolates available, such as dark, white, rum, brandy, etc. So,… Read More »

14 Unknown Health Benefits of raw/ boiled beetroots and beetroot juice

Health juices have become extremely popular among fitness enthusiasts, and you’ll find juice bars in most fitness parks. One such old yet highly regarded option is beetroot juice. Let’s explore the various health benefits of consuming beetroot juice regularly. Beetroot juice offers a range of advantages for our health. Firstly, it is rich in nutrients,… Read More »

Diet Tips For A Healthy Sportsman/ Athlete

Sportsmen and sportswomen are indeed special individuals, driven by passion or the desire to represent their country. Being a sports person is no easy task; besides being physically active, they must pay close attention to the quantity and quality of the calories they consume. While their energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate needs are higher than… Read More »

22 Amla Juice Benefits that you should know

As we all know that amla are one of the richest sources of vitamin C. It is a seasonal fruit but available at very cheaper rates. So affordability is not an issue. So it is very essential to consume this fruit in season in order to keep yourself away from vitamin C deficiency. Lets see… Read More »

Five Exercises that TORCH Calories

Fat loss is hard work. Fat, as you’ve no doubt discovered, is stubborn. To move it requires consistency, dedication and patience. And it takes knowledge. Though there are no shortcuts to real, permanent fat loss, it will come quicker to those with the insider knowledge to ramp up their body’s thermogenic effect. The five exercises… Read More »

10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time for you and your partner. It can also be a little frightening – your body is changing and you’re responsible for another human being inside you. How can you guarantee everything goes well? Here are 10 tips for healthy pregnancy that will help you feel better. 1. Tips for Healthy… Read More »

Types of Diabetes Mellitus in different stage of life and ways to tackle diabetes with diet

Diabetes is a lifelong condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, often stemming from insufficient insulin production or cells not responding adequately to insulin. Insulin, produced in the pancreas, regulates blood sugar levels. Factors such as pancreatitis, reduced insulin production, or cellular resistance to insulin can lead to high blood sugar. The initial three symptoms… Read More »

Today’s Killer: Obesity and childhood obesity

“Obesity is very different from being overweight. Obesity involves the accumulation of excessive body fat, which is extremely abnormal, while being overweight simply means weighing more. The process of obesity is not a short-term occurrence; it happens due to the prolonged intake of excess calories without sufficient expenditure through exercise or physical activity.

Nutrition and its importance to stay fit, healthy and live long

“When discussing nutrition, we are essentially talking about nutrients. As we all know, the nutritional requirements vary for each individual. People consume different nutrients in different amounts, resulting in an overall impact on an individual’s health and physiological condition. People residing in various geographical conditions, different environments, states, countries, and communities consume different varieties of… Read More »

Hair Loss and Protein Deficiency

Protein is necessary for our entire body, including our hair. Lack of protein causes hair loss, and gradual persistent hair loss is responsible for baldness. Hair loss and Protein Deficiency are closely linked, so if you improve your intake of protein you can minimise your hair fall. We all wish to have lustrous, voluminous hair… Read More »