Author Archives: Jiten Waghela

About Jiten Waghela

Jiten Waghela is Digital Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur & Blogger. He is SEO Head at Tonic Media Digital and creates strategies and handles various brands project.

ZMA Supplement – Why you need it!

Protein supplements and creatine are two valuable supplements for everyone who train hard. Furthermore, most people even use a PWO every now and then, for that extra degree of madness during a training round. We also certainly take some multivitamins, (when we don’t forget to.) Add some amino acids and we have everything on the… Read More »

The Dynamics of Detoxing

The detox cleanses have become a very popular practice over the last five years. This method involves following a specific diet to enhance overall health and well-being, potentially preventing illness and improving quality of life and performance. 4o Image Source: Sinart Creative Diets can vary, but they usually focus on using certain ingredients from specific… Read More »

Symptoms of Dengue Fever and Diagnosis

What is the dengue fever? It is a disease commonly caused due to the transmission of the virus aedes aegypti. This is a mosquito, which transmit the infection from one’s body to the other human body. When a person suffers from this dengue fever then, the pain occurs in the muscles and the bones. So,… Read More »

Family Shopping At Food Mall

Today shopping has become very comfortable and convenient. There is no lifting of heavy luggage of groceries, roaming under the sun and search for foods; neither the availability of food is a problem. Westernized culture has drastically taken over and entered Asian market which has made every possible thing available throughout the year unconditional of… Read More »

Health Benefits of Banana

Many fruits are available and all are essential to maintain the body. Many people face with the different problems from their weight. When we are talk about the weight then, you have to know that it is only the banana, which affects your body speedily.  Banana is a best fruit that is also used to… Read More »