Have you heard of Garden cress seeds anytime?? Most of todays generations would know about this highly nutritious ingredient. But it is definitely an ingredient in our kitchen. You can ask your mother or grandmom and you will surely get it. It a very traditional and ancient ingredient.
We are in an era where most of the times we are using packaged foods and farm foods are also grown with using high pesticides and chemicals which affects our absorption of nutrients and thereby decrease the quality of food.. One of these nutrients is Iron. Mostly females have lower levels of iron as compared to males due to menstrual loss every month.
These seeds does wonders to increase your iron levels with in a period of one month. I have used these seeds for increasing my own iron and hemoglobin levels. So I strongly recommend these seeds as a very rich source of iron to all my anemic clients. To add on to the list it is also excellent for hormone balance, reduce constipation and also regularize your menses.
Few years back garden cress seeds/ halim/ aliv was not a common food to be included in your diet except during last trimester of pregnancy and lactation. But as years passed its popularity and its importance have been realized and now people are aware of the tremendous health benefits of these brownie chocolaty seeds. As we know where there are facts it is also accompanied by some myths. So one of my concern to write on this particular seeds is to make aware of the real benefits. I chose to write and clear few myths and doubts of these seeds so that maximum people can start making use of these seeds and improve the nutrient content of meals.
Nutritive value of these seeds is very high. It is available in almost all parts of the world. Its high nutritive value and readily availability makes it possible for people of all the sections of society to include in the diet and increase nutritive value of their meals without increasing the expense of their diet.
Garden cress seeds are very high in Iron and Folic acid content. These seeds are use as herbal medicine to treat iron deficiency anemia. People consuming 2tsp/day have seen to have good increased levels of hemoglobin over a period of 1-2 months.
Garden cress seeds also contains calcium, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, and beta-carotene which helps to improve body’s immunity. Garden Cress seeds are loaded with not just protein, but also linoleic and arachidic fatty acids. Since they contain phytochemicals that resemble estrogen to some extent, intake of these seeds helps to regulate menstruation and stimulate milk production in lactating mothers.
That is why women are given foods containing Garden Cress following childbirth. And continue to give them till they get their first periods after delivery.
Traditionally garden cress seeds were considered to be useful only during last few weeks of gestation and post delivery. It is assumed that the nature of the food is too hot. But the truth is that these seeds have ability too increase uterine contraction and hence it given to ladies who are close to their labour.
So in later stages of pregnancy it helps in inducing labour but if in case consumed in early stage of pregnancy (1st trimester) it can lead to spontaneous abortion. It is also very carefully prescribed to a hypothyroid patients because it belongs to cruciferous family and is a goitrogen that prevent iodine absorption. If you want to include to regularize your iron levels and menstrual issues then you can roast it a little and use.
Health benefits of Garden Cress Seeds
- Cures Anemia:
Due to its high quality and quantity of iron and folic acid it helps to overcome iron deficiency anemia. Garden cress seeds being the richest source of non-haeme iron. It is advisable to have vitamin C half an hour after consumption of these seeds as it enhances iron absorption.
- Regulates Menstrual Cycle
These seeds are rich in phytochemicals that are similar to estrogen therefore consuming them helps in creating the hormonal environment to start your menses so it helps to regularize your periods.
- Galactogogue:
High nutritive content of cress seeds. It’s given especially to post partum mothers and lactating mothers as it enhances milk production.
- Sugar control:
The seed coat of germinating seeds contains mucilage, which has a phytochemical called lepidimoide. It also has hypoglycemic properties which help to control glucose levels in diabetics. Recommended dosage 15g/day
- GI Disease:
It is used during constipation as a laxative . It is also used to treat intestinal problems and abdominal colic issues. It is laso very helpful in treating bleeding piles. Garden cress helps purify blood and stimulate appetite and immunity.
- Anti-Respiratory tract Disease:
Garden cress seeds are good expectorants and when chewed they treat sore throat, cough reliever, asthma and headache. It is highly recommended for bronchitis as it has broncho dilating properties.
- Hepatoprotective:
Cress seeds are stimulant to bile function.It protects the liver from damage from toxic agents like carbon tetra chloride (CCL4). Presence of flavonoids, triterpens, alkaloids, tannins provide protection to the liver.
- Anti-Hypertensive:
It is also seen that cress seeds have anti-hypertensive property. It has diuretic property due to which it has blood pressure lowering property.
- Anti-Cancer:
Being a family of Brassica family it has good anti cancer property. Garden cress seeds contain antioxidants like vitamin A and E which help protect cells from damage by free radicals. Hence, these seeds have a chemo protective nature.
Side-effects of Garden Cress Seeds
1. Diuretic Properties
Garden cress contains diuretic properties thus patients suffering from frequent passage of water and urine should be cautious when using this plant.
2. Abortifacient Properties
Garden cress is abortifacient in nature thus capable of inducing abortion in early pregnant women if taken in excess. Pregnant women should refrain from eating garden cress as it has the tendency to induce uterine contractions and abortion. Garden cress seeds can increase uterine contraction, thus certain people use it to induce labor in late stages of pregnancy.
3. Goitrogenic Properties
Garden cress contains goitrogens, which are substances that subdue the proper functioning of the thyroid gland through its interference with iodine absorption. If consumed in a very large quantities can cause the thyroid gland to enlarge, thereby causing goiter and hypothyroidism.
How to eat:
- Roasted slightly with added salt.
- Soaked in water then added to milk or juice.
- Chikki or laddoo can be made. (preparation similar to til laddoo/chikki).
How much to eat:
Start with 1 tsp/day and then an be taken 1 tsp/2c a day.
Cress seeds have many more medicinal properties and researches are still on to find its benefits on health. Garden cress should be eaten in moderation. Excess consumption of these seeds may hv adverse effect on health.
Click Here to buy Garden Cress Seeds/ Halim
For details on how to use it and few basic recipes kindly click here.
RD Neha Kava
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Hi mam
Does halim seed flush vitamin k out of body ?can it affect our gum and tooth health .
No nothing like that.. moderate quantity is safe to have
Hi..I have low back pain after normal delivery… since last 5 years I have severe back pain..plz suggest can I try Garden Cress seeds for this..also tell dosage.
hi, My daughter is 10year old and she is not ready to eat aliv ladoo . So can I make powder of that seeds and mix one teaspoonful in atta and make chapatis of that. Will that help her . she is under height for her age. Please suggest.
Can we consume the seeds in winter? Also can we consumed soaked aliv with plain water?
my child is 3 years. how much quantity for halim in a day for that age.
we need citric food to resolve the iron
Hi, can u plz tell garden cress seeds name Gujarati or Hindi? Any grocery store we can get garden cress seeds?
Gujarati- Asalyo
Hindi name: Halim
You will get it in ayurvedic shop
Hello there ,can I get to know does alive laddos consuming twice a day can increase level of sugar??
hlo mam can i use garden cress seeds for pigmentation plzz suggest
Depends on the cause of the pigmentation. You need to take skin expert
Hi, wanted to know the dosage of Asalia seeds to be taken for 10 year old girl to help increase height.
5gms in a day is fine.
This is monika 24 years old from karnataka
Can I gain height from consuming gradencress seeds regulaly . any side effect
As far as I know it does not have any side effects and nor it helps in weight gain
Hello Neha can we consume halim with gond
YEs you can
My daughter is 12 yrs old gets menstruation in 20 days but haemoglobin is only 9.2. should I give her garden cress seeds
Yes you can give.. add halim and sabja
1tsp of gaarden cress seeds daily for hypothyroidism is ok ?
Very informative Article Great, Highly appreciable !
Can gluten sensitive people eat these seeds and are these seeds helpful in gaining weight
Yes Gluten allergic people can drink it. But it helps in increasing iron levels and not weight
Very Nice info… I soak one spoon in water at morning and take it after dinner. I boil it with water by adding some jaggery & sunth..and drink it like tea.
Hi Neha,
I’m yogesh from Maharashtra fighting with Ankylosing Spondylities, how can I use garden cress seeds to increase body flexibility…. Plz guide.
Regards yogesh, 9146199285
Could we use CRESS SEED OIL instead of the seeds? If yes. What is the recommended daily dosage.
Not sure about oil
I am 32 yrs old with iron deficient anemia and hypothyroidism.
I have started 1tsp per day soaked halim
Is it safe and will it increase haemoglobin….
I am suffering back pain since 20 years and I am afraid by operating my disk operation some one told me a mixture of three oil extra virgin olive oil+kalonji oil and garden cress oil mix it and two spoon in empty stomach and two spoon before going to bed I am using these oil only 15% result I am feeling but not 100% if you have any suggestion plz give me some ayuverdic medicines for my backache
Am very much fond of Alive since childhood.Recently I underwent angioplasty.Am severely having pain in both of my legs due to the side effect of one of the cholesterol medicine. My niece advised me to take alive everyday.Would it be beneficial?Further pl let me know whether this is to be swallowed or chewed?Will it really be of no use!
Can we crush the seeds in mixer before eating?
Can we have garden cress seeds kheer daily in the evening ..if yes how many spoons of seeds to add to make kheer
One serving can be made using 1 tsp seeds or 3 tsp soaked seeds
My wife is 7 mnths pregrant and she is suffering from back ache badly can we give her garden cress seeds to reileve pain …is there any side effects pls suggest.
Hello i am suffering through pcos and i am 23 yr old and day by day i m gaining my weight,hair loss,acne and oily skin too..I have started green tea also. How to take halim seeds? For regualr peroids
Can a person with hyper thyroid have Hakim seeds ? If yes then what should be the qty like ?
Soaked, 1 tsp
Hi Neha,
I am suffering from pcod since the age of 16. I am 20 now. Will garden cress seeds help to regularise my menstrual cycle? If yes, then what dose do u suggest?
Ifyou ar overweight, try loosing weight that will help.
Gardenn cress may or may not help.. you will have to try and see
For pcod/ pcos do yoga regularly,avoid sugar,try to lose weight,eat healthy food,pcos will get cured without medicines..
I just knew about it that it help with knee and back pain so I started today to use it hoping to prevent surgery
Very informative Article Great, Highly appreciable !
One of the ayurvedic doctors suggest this seed for height rise of 7 yrs old my daughter. (Dose 33gm daily with 1 to 2 ltr cow milk without chewing) is this dose cause any side effects
33gms in a day is very high dose and that too for 7yrs…
Hi, is it helpful in order to gain height. If yes, then kindly advice the dosage for 17year old girl and 11year old boy. Thanks
1tsp soaked a day
Before this article i have never heared of Gardencress, thanks for the sharing it’s have so much benefits.
Hypothiroid pationt can use this garden seeds or not please reply to me
can use soaked 1tsp in a day
Can we use the cress seeds, brand (sadaf) which is printed on it for planting?????
I mean to eat or drink it?????
This is a good article….we are actually giving this to our daughter in the form of a payasam with added jagger, soaked edible gum and ghee. She has allergic bronchitis.
What we called these in urdu
Haalo or हलीम seeds. I m taking since I was 7yrs old in every winter… As my mother was taking it in milk and ghee its yummi in taste
Do the seeds help lower cholesterol?
asaliay seeds are effective in stifnes and other joint pain
I tried asaliya seeds and empro ra factor…and aarthritis..
Hi Neha I am planning to eat laddo’s made of halim and gond after pregnancy.
As I am a thyriod patient can you please suggest the daily dosage of ghalim which would be fine for me. As of now I take 75 micrograms of thyroxine daily.
you can eat 5-10gms each day
is it good for cartilage bone repair? and if it is how i should take it?
Hi Neha,
My son is 12 yrs old. He is bit short n my wife is too worried. Is it fine if I give him 1 tsp daily ? Doesn’t it makes body heated up as I heard ?
Pl advice
Hello Feroz,
No it will not produce any heat as such.. But i am not sure if it will help to increase height
Is asariyo seeds and halim seeds same
We got in dubai named as asariyo seeds (alive)
Hello Ummamrah,
Yes it is same. Asariyo is Gujarati name.
In dubai which store we can find dis
Hello naushad,
You can find in some ayurvedic shop
Both are different
Garden cress seeds can increase height. in gujarati households(india) mothers give this seeds to their children who areshortat the age of 15 or even later you can start having this 2-3 years daily by soaking 1 tbsp in water overnight and having them first thing in the morning with milk. Strain the water and add them to milk and chew it properly. it has increased the height of my freind’s and family member’s.
Where can I find Aliv or Halim seeds in US to eat?
Hello Jyothi,
You can check in any of the Indian Ayurvedic shops…
You can find it in the spice section in Indian grocery stores. It’s called Asario (lepidium satuvum) written inthe packet.
is it recommended to take the seed as it is, or should be grounded first?
Hello Shahin,
It has to be used exactly the way we use Basil seeds (Sabja). Have to soak for 10-15 minutes and then use.
hey , i m a bit confused. is it the same as flaxseeds?
Hello Deepika,
Garden cress seeds and flaxseeds both are different.
are gardencress seeds have side effect?
my daughtrer is eight yeas old but her height is short.can she take theese seeds with milk
Hello Anber,
Garden cress seeds is rich in Iron. Not to be that with milk. There is no evidence which proves that it helps in increasing height.
Hello Neha ,
But the above blog gives direction to use it with milk “Soaked in water then added to milk or juice.”.
Kindly guide.
Hello Rohit,
There are different recipes to eat it. Best way is to avoid to have it with milk.
i had not a period for 4 month is halim is better to get regular periods
Hello Sneha,
If your periods are irregular because of low Hemoglobin , then Halim will surely help
Are garden seeds good for hair thickening?
Hello Zainab,
Garden cress seeds will not majorly work for hair thickening. But will definitely work to buildup your overall health.
Hi… M planning a baby… Can I consume garden cress seeds as they r good to increase hemoglobin…??? Also I need to know difference between sweet basil seeds and garden cress seeds… Can I consume sweet basil seeds if m planning to conceive…???
Hello Pretika,
Garden cress seeds are known to cause stomach contractions, though there are no researches that prove that.Traditionally Indian mid mothers use ti give garden cress seeds when the women use to reach close to due date to induce labour.
Basil seeds you can take.
My son age is 12 years weight is 45 kgs height 135 cms.can I expect increaseing of height after using this seeds. ?
Hello Ravindranadh,
It will not really be helpful. But you concentrate giving him good amount of protein and calcium and other minerals in his diet. Make him play various sports ike foot ball, basket ball, swimming, cycling.. ALl this will help.
Does halim seeds help in recovery from acute low back pain because of disk prolapse
I suffer from disk bulge. Does Halim seeds help in the recovery from disk bulge.
Hello Lavanya,
No researches support that Halim help in slip disk.
Hi. My mother in law recommend me to take halim seeds because I am going through natural miscarriage and she said it helps in cleaning the extra blood inside. How long should I take it for and what quantity. Also, if u know any other natural way please share as I don’t want to go through D&C.
Hello Saniya,
There is no evidence for what your are taking Haim seeds. Halim seeds causes stomach contraction. And best person to suggest anything would be you gynecologist.
Hi neha I have missed my periods and someone recommended me to eat gardencress seeds so that it will get natural abortion. Is right to eat and how to eat please reply???
Please reply me as soons as possible…I am suffering from thyroid also will it will work…? Does it will work for abortion cause it is unplanned pregnency please help me…
Hie Fatima,
Halim seeds causes contraction in stomach muscles. So it can result in abortion.
Please let me know how much quantity i should eat to have abortion i daily eat one small bowl of haleem cooked in jaggery…In how much time i will get my periods plz let me knw asap neha…ill be thankfull if u solve my problem…
Hello Fatima,
Halim is known to cause stomach contractions. But it is not guaranteed that you will be able to abort the baby. Kindly take help of your gynecologist or your physician for further procedure.
3 month hv. Been completed after delivery. But still. Have heavy back pain. Kindly. Suggest
Hello Shreejaya,
Do not try to put on weight. In your case I feel you should take detailed diet consultation. Inbox on info@nutrichoice4u.com
Hello, one of my friend told me using Garden Cress seeds mix garlic and olive oil put in between line it will make the hair grow more. is is ture?
Hello R. Tom,
Sorry but i am unaware of this therapy..
My mom is 56 years old & she got thyroid from last 7-8 years. She is consuming garden cress seeds from last 1 month. But i just came to know from ur post that it is not good for ppl with thyroid. Should she continue to have garden cress seeds ?
Hie ANu,
No advised to take gardencress seeds every day. occasionally she can take. Why is she taking these seeds. IS she anemic?
Thanks for ur rpl. She is not anemic at all. Bt its really healthy, so she started to consume those.
So how many times a week she can consume those seeds?
Hello neha
I am also 24 year so its possible to increase my height level by this natural treatment
Hello Irfan,
There would be no increase in height with any treatment you will take. Just be happy with what god has gifted you.
Since halim seeds have chemicals similar to oestrogen, could they cause any side effects in men, if they take one teaspoon of the seeds every day? Also, would it be alright for people with no ailments to take a teaspoon of these seeds everyday?
Hello Vidya,
Irrespective of male and Female, halim can be taken 1 tsp (Soaked) per day. There is no side effects if it’s taken by any individual. Only pregnant females should avoid as it causes stomach contraction which is not advisable in pregnancy.
I want to say that seeds are helps to grow hight?
I think that is among the so much important information for me. And i am happy studying your article. But want to remark on few general things, The web site taste is ideal, the articles is really nice : D. Just right job, cheers
Hi Good Afternoon,
This is Vishal from Mumbai. I have 1 question to ask. Actually i have iron & vitamin D deficiency in my body. My question is that how do i consume garden cress seeds for iron content? My age is 25. If u have solution for chapped lips(loosing lip skin daily) then also tell me i have been suffering it since 10 years. when i took Nuroday D3 tablet chapped lips stopped partially. If u have better solution then please share. Thank you.,….:)
Dear Vishal,
You can continue the same.
hello neha kaya,,
i want to be healthy, how to use asariyo(gardencress seeds). is it help ful for building health? rply
Hello Ravi,
gardencress seeds will help you to raise your heamoglobin levels. It will help you to build up your immunity.
Why do you advise not taking garden cress seeds with milk?
I’ve been taking it with yoghurt for quite some time now(on and off).
Hello Zahra,
Gardencress seeds are iron rich and milk & it’s products are rich in calcium. So absorption of iron and calcium both is affected if had together. So advisable to split both the sources and include in diet.
Thank you
Can I take aserio seeds for early menses
Hello Darshika,
Gardencress seeds or Aserio is rich in iron and also causes stomach contraction. There is no evidence based study which tells that it will help to get early menses. Though traditionally people use it for the above purpose. You can definitely try as it will not harm you in any way.
Hi ma’am I am suffering from back pain due to disc bulge, is it ok to consume one cup of garden cress daily? Or Else suggest me positive food to heal the bulged disc.
Hello Mr. Ramkrishna,
1 tsp of gardencress seeds in a day is more than enough. Consider including foods which are rich in Omega-3 Fats in your diet.
Hi there. Are these seeds recommended for those trying to conceive? If yes, what is the best method of consumption. Upon soaking seeds in water, can one drink the water in which the seeds have been soaked along with the seeds themselves or must the seeds be strained and transferred to a fresh glass of water and then ingested?
Hello Shazana,
Gardencress seeds is rich in iron. Usually taken during last few weeks of gestation to induce labour. SO not recommended to take during pregnancy because of its heaty property.
Hello ma’am dis is me rashi i have
Completed my 19 years dis month
Mam i want to increase a few inches
(3-4) to my height right now my height
Is 5.2 .. mam plz suggest plz me what
To eat or drink inoder to increase height
Badly in need of it
Hello Ms. Rashi,
Unfortunately there is no remedy from my side which will help you to increase your height. According to me 5’2″ is decent height. Do not worry about thing which cannot be changed. Rather concentrate on things which will help you to have brighter future.
common cress is very useful plant for mankind. It is called haliv in marathi and halim in hindi.It ‘s seeds are useful for better health.The seeds contain Iodine, iron, phosphates and potash. It contains sulfur in ample amount.
Sulfur which is called gandhak in marathi and hindi is very useful for health. I have used it as gandhak rasayan in my practice and found that it has been very effective in skin treatment. One patient with exema and tremendous itching allover the body got tremendous results with this gandhak rasayan and is now totally in disease free condition.
Haliv or common cress has been mainly used as tonic may be due to possessing so many minerals in it, it acts as strengthening agent to body. Particularly in post par tum period ie. after delivery women are supplied with sweat made from haliv so that the new born gets sufficient milk from mother and subsequently strength and immunity against diseases. Proper weight gain to the baby is effected by this common cress sweat meet. The women also gets strength to the lower back which gets weakened in delivery process.
It is also used in white discharge problem in women.
ladu or khir are 2 preparations of haliv both are sweet in taste.
It is also used in short children to increase their height it is due to phosphates in it that causes increase in bone length eventually helping in height increase. It is the bone length that is important factor in determination of height.1 fistful of haliv mugged up with plain water every morning is its dose for that purpose.Or you can add 1 cup milk and 1 tsf suger and boil it [ khir ] and consume it in morning it is good for all.
Can u specifically tell the quantity and the process of taking it by my 14 year old boy to increase height…presently he is 49 kg and 147cms
hello Madhavi,
5gms in a day with lemon water is enough. your by will grow tall.. don’t worry he is just 14yrs.
Hi, am making a health concortion with honey, olive oil, ginger, garlic and am thinking of adding cress seed to it. Any contra indication pls?
Hello mr. Lateef,
You can go ahead.
Hi Neha,
I’m 2 months pregnant and I’ve been taking garden cress everyday 1 teaspoon with milk and sugar. I’ve done this for past 3 weeks. I heard about it today that it causes contractions. I’ll definitely not take it anymore. But just worried if it might cause any problems for me for rest of my pregnancy. Any suggestions?
Dear Rashmi,
Do not take gardencress seeds anymore till 9 months. You can continue after that. It will not cause any problem in regards to what you consumed it earlier. So relax and enjoy your motherhood time.
hello Neha,
My daughter is anemic and her hemoglobin level is less. she is 6yrs old 20 kgs… how many grams of gardencress seeds is advisable for her ? also it would be nice if you can suggest me with any herbal medicine to increase her intake of food as she is a poor eater.
Hello Roopa,
If she is physically active then do not bother about her weight. But for Hemoglobin you can consult her physician and get a prescription of iron and multivitamin which will increase her hunger. Involve her in some out door physical activity so she feel hungry and she eats.
Are these seeds the same as halon/hawliyan/aseero seeds?
There are dark black cress seeds where I live but I’d like to know if the cress seeds you mention are the same as aseero/halon seeds which are slightly reddish in colour?
Also you mentioned these are given with caution to hypothyroid patients, what’s the dosage you recommend for such patients?
And finally, is it necessary to chew the seeds for better digestion or are they as effective if swallowed in a drink of lemon water or milk as you’ve suggested.
Many thanks
Hi Liz,
5gms/alternate day can be taken. Not to be taken with Milk.
Hello Neha,
I am 45 yrs old. I drive my car daily 40-45 Kilometers thru busy traffic. Because of this using clutch pedal of car and sitting posture, I find pain/stiffness in my legs. Is it good to take Aliv daily with milk?
Hello Ravindra,
Aliv seeds will not help you for the problem you listed above. It will help up o build up your iron store. But not advised to take it with milk.
Dear Neha – Is this seeds are useful for Slip disc ( Spinal problem)? I am having this problem and it goes worst during winter season.
Ramesh M
Hello Neha, very interesting posts I have come across on this site – Great work 🙂
My wife is having Thrombosis (blood cot thing) and SLE (Lupus) problem. She is taking Warfarin (blood thinner) and hydroxychloroquine sulcate 200mg for Lupus. she also has Hypothyroid.
We have been married for 9 years, she had miscarriage 4 times and no kids yet. Whenever she becomes pregnant we change her Warfarin to Clexane,
Do you advise anything from herbal world? Would be grateful for your advise.
Many thanks
Hi Neha,
These seeds are called ALIYA Seeds in Rajasthan it is used for increasing height or weight of youngsters,
Usually for height it is advised to be taken in the morning empty stomach with cow milk(without boiling) OR With camel milk for best result.
it is also said that if you take this seeds and sit for a long time you go fat and if you take this and run or do some standing exercises you grow tall.
I have taken this and the results is good.
In Karnataka it is used in sweets specially made during winter.
This is easily available at any marwari kirana shop.
Thanks Vijaypal for sharing the additional traditional information. As per the nutritional content these seeds are high is iron and as milk is good source of calcium. So it is not advisable to take this combination of iron and calcium together at one time as the absorption of both the nutrients will be affected.
Hello Vijaypal,
You are 100% right.. i too taken the same for almost a month and it shown its magic and i gained a good hight.
Hi Neha,
These seeds are called ALIYA Seeds in Rajasthan it is used for increasing height or weight of youngsters,
Usually for height it is advised to be taken in the morning empty stomach with cow milk(without boiling) OR With camel milk for best result.
it is also said that if you take this seeds and sit for a long time you go fat and if you take this and run or do some standing exercises you grow tall.
I have taken this and the results is good.
In Karnataka it is used in sweets specially made during winter.
This easily available any marwari kirana shop.
Hi ii ..m 38 weeks pregnant and want my baby early ..so I would like to know if halim does help to bring a labour on as well ??
HI Manvir,
In first place don’t try doing any thing in an artificial way. Traditionally Halim does initiates stomach contractions. You can also try raw papaya. Do more of walking to initiate labour pain.
Ok thanks …I had pineapple already as it’s believe it helps to bring labour on early …but my mom strongly believe to have a halim with hot milk …to start your labour soon …is it happened to anyone ??? Or how truth is it about halim ?? Please reply
Hi Manvir,
I have myself had taken halim on the day of delivery. So traditionally it is believed to induce stomach contraction which causes labor.
Can we have garden cress seeds kheer daily in the evening ..if yes how many spoons of seeds to add to make kheer
Halim seeds and milk is not a good combination as halim is rich in iron and milk is in calcium. So there will not absorption of either if you take both together
Hi Neha, my mom suffered from hypertension, lastweek her pressure rose to 190/110, she is under medication. Her pressure pills give her acidity & is insomniac, I bought garden cress, can i start to give her, which is the best method to give her.is it possible to give my father too (he had TIA in 2008). He takes blood thinners. prostrate tabs &Tahore. Thanks in advance.
Hi Cyra,
YOu can continue gardencress seeds to your mother. Though restrict to your father. Your father can take flaxseeds. As both your parents have medical problem i will advice you to take a personalized diet plan for Registered Dietitian. To get in touch with us mail us at info@nutrichoice4u.com
Is there any side effects if taken in young age??? If yes then Wat should be the dosage for the same…
Hi Poonam,
If youa sking for any specific age then let me know. I would be able to help you better. Kids above 12 years can take 5gms/day (soaked)
Is it good for joints pain or any harmful for kidny patients.
Hello Krishnan,
Not advised for kidney patients.
I wanted to ask if i can take garden cress seeds only with plain water after soaking iit for 30 minutes. I m an anemic. Its necessary for me but i can not have these as a porridge or laddu.
Hello meena,
You can definitely have it with plain water. Have with lemon water because absorption is better.
Hi Neha,
Very useful information. My hemoglobin level used to be low, periods are irregular and planning for a child. Can I start taking halim 1 tsp per day. and when should I stop taking halim ? once I conceive?
Hi Arundhati,
You can take Halim till the time you concieve. Stop once you concieve. Later doctor may advise you another iron tablets.
does this seeds help loose weight
Hi Chandrika,
It might not have any significant effect with just these seeds. you have to follow a low calorie dieta nd exercis eRegime to loose weight.
hi Neha actually i have two concerns….one my soon is highly allergic to nuts all kinds…fish.soya , and some environmental allergies too…also have minor asthma which increases in the peek allergy season…i read the comments for asthma you gave but he cannot have grapes…should i still try to give him 1 tsp of halim soaked and then put in milk with sugar every morning to cure his asthma.
second my husband have sciatica problem what suggestion you give me for this…he is in lot of pain everyday and now he cannot even walk for a minute long…he is a truck driver and gaining too much weight…food is in control but pain is very frustrating…pls help me to ease his pain. thank you
Hi Ishika,
you son can take halim seeds but not with milk. It has to be with water or with some citrus fuits juices. Consulta an orthopedic for you husband.
May I presume to ask where we could buy the cress seeds in the UK?
Many thanks,
Hi Chloe,
You will find tehse seeds in indian Ayurvedic shops.
my wife is advised to take halim seeds so I want the reciepe as she is diagnosed with stomach cancer & is on chemotherapy.
Hi subodh,
Halim seeds can eb taken with warm water, lemon water or eve halim laddoos can be made with jaggery.
My wife is diagnosed recently with stomach cancer she has been advised chemotherapy , dietician has advised halim seeds laddo for increase in hemoglobin pl. suggest the reciepe as she is having severe acidity problem.She is having chemo after 3 weeks.
Hi Neha,
I am having diabetes for last 12 years and under control My Fasting sugar is between 110 to 132 and pp sugar is between 142 to 200. with allopathy medicine. Now inform me if I use halim can I reduce my allopathy dose? if yes. inform me, how to use halim and the dose. Regards,
Hello Shankar,
You cannot stop or lower your allopathy dosage without taking opinion from your doctor. Halim can be taken one teaspoon a day. This will control the sugars and depending on the new range of sugars your doctor will re evaluate the medicine dose for you.
Con i use alivi seeds as external application for backache?
hi Yadugiri,
I am not too sure about the external application effect of aliv.
Hi!!! Where do I buy these? Have checked all grocery stores. but they have never heard of halim…what are the other names for it? I live in Delhi, so hindi names if possible. I have been asked to have garden cress seeds on an urgent basis, but cant find them anywhere.
HI Pallavi,
You can buy garden cress seeds / Halim / Aliv from Ebay store. You need to buy online.
Can we eat the seeds which when kept in Freeze have developed sprouts?
Hi Subhash,
You cam take it.
Hi your website is loAded with lots of vital info…..I have irregular periods, if I take halim seeds, will it help in regulating? If not, are there any other natural way to do it? Thank you
/hi Jaishri,
Go ahead with halim it will give you nice results. also include soya protein in your diet.
Is Halim seeds good for hair growth and hair fall?
I have acidity problem and have heard that halim seeds are warm in nature,would it have any side effects?
Very useful !
I’m a well controlled hypothyroidism patient using Levothyroxin. Can I use Halim after having my baby for a week or so? I was thinking of separating the two taking the thyroid med in the morning and a small amount of Halim at night. What do you think ?
Thank you,
Hi Sara,
YOu can definitely take it.
very useful
pl help
Dear Kaya,
My sugar level fasting for the last 10 years remained constantly between 105 to 120 but PP was always less than 100.Recently both fasting and PP reading rose to 140 and 230 respectively perhaps due to my giving up on my daily brisk walk due to lower back problem.After resuming my exercise regimen and taking a tea spoonful of raw ground garden cress, kalonji,ajwain and methi seeds in equal proportion with 2 glasses of water as suggested by a friend for last one month my sugar level has come down to 120 (fasting ) and 140 (PP).Should I continue taking this concoction which is giving good result? Pl advise.
Hi P.S Rawal,
You can continue the preparation. it is absolutely harmless.
Kindly tell me how to use thethesthe seeds after completion of 9 months of pragnancy
hello Somi,
You can check http://www.tarladalal.com/recipes-using-garden-cress-seeds-409
Hi Neha,
I am pragnant & completd 7th month.. Recent blood test report is showing my heamoglobin level low but I don’t want to go for iron supplements. Will garden cress seeds help me? If then how & when to consume it…… Pls help me.
Hello Manjula,
You can soak gardencress seeds in water and have it with lemon water. Iron absorption is more with lemon juice. And if Dr. Recommendss to start iron supplement go for it as the requirement of iron is high during pregnancy and there are many development of fetus that are dependent on iron.SO do it for your baby.
Any query feel free to mail me on infor @nutrichoice4u.com
Please where can i buy cress seeds in the Uk – united kingdom
Hello There,
You have to check the Indian grocery shop.
Hi Neha,
Thank you for this wonderful info! We use this along with coconut and jaggery to prepare laddus and consume one such per day..
Hello Varshada,
Thats a good way to consume. I would be glad if u can share the recipe of laddu for other readers.
I have a uric acid problem can i consume green cress seeds to cure it???my age is 45.and is there any side effect
You can have
Hello Nehaji,
I have heard that Halim increases body temperature and should not be consumed by the ladies who wish to conceive. How far this is true?
Hi Prashant. Its does not increases body temperature but it does has hormone which increases the uterine contractions which is not desirable hence has to be avoided by pregnant ladies. Pregnant ladies can consume after completion of 9 months.
where can I buy these seeds to consume (not grow) ?
Hello Vrinda,
You can get these seeds at an ayurvedic shop.
Thanks for this article which made me to change my past thinking about the Garden Cress seed. I know in my country Ethiopia when people get stomach ache with bloating they soak in hot water for few minutes and eat the seen. Also after delivery as you indicated usually given to the woman. I wish to get more on how to consume with the normal diet for health benefit mainly hypertensive.
HEllo there,
On regular basis you can soak in water at room temperature and have it with lemon juice. It has great absorbility with Vit C.
Can you please tell me , where can I found halim in USA? Thanks
Hi Anushree,
I am sorry, i wont be able to tell you where exactly you can find halim. Try in Indian Ayurvedic stores.
it is available in Indian grocery store in Bay area ..Haloon!
I think it is called Haloon in Punjabi language!
Hi there, You have done an excellent job. I will certainly digg it and personally recommend to my
friends. I am sure they will be benefited from this web site.
Just to clarify, is this the same as what is called Haloon Seeds?
I have been taking it recently with milk, and have now read it is not good to take this with milk, is there a reason?
Second, I have low progesterone levels, and I understand this boosts oestrogen levels, therefore, is it best to avoid this as it may have a counter effect on hormonal levels?
Hi there,
Its call Halim in my knowledge. You can check the picture to clarify your doubt. Its not recommended to take with milk as iron and calcium foght for absorption so if both taken together there would be very less of calcium form milk and iron from halim that will be absorbed.
Anything taken in moderation will not have any effect. 1 tsp of soaked halim in a day should be fine.
Does it helps to gain height?
Hie Ankit,
Gardencress seeds will not really help to gain height. If you are below 22 yrs, you can still indulge in some sports which may help you to increase few inches.
thanks Neha,
I will definitely try it.
I just want to clarify whether it is harmful to be taken raw ?
Hi Nikki,
Its best when soaked and taken. If you wish to take raw make sure you drink enough of water with it. Avoid taking gardencress seeds with milk.
Hi Neha
Thanks for the information. Is it harmful to take it raw ?
I usually take a teaspoon raw and gulp it down with water in the morning.
About 15-20 mins later I will drink a glass of honey/lemon warm water.
Is this a good method ?
Why honey and not just Lemon juice with warm water. If u want to maintain weight or loose weight avoid honey and try getting anti-oxidants from other low calories source like fruits, veggies, green tea etc. Halim take with lemon juice more beneficial.
I apaicerpte you taking to time to contribute That’s very helpful.
Thanks for the information.
I was told I could take a teaspoon of halim (raw)with a glass of water, first thing in the morning. Does it have to be cooked? Or is ok to swallow raw?
Halim gives best result when taken with sour lemon (or any vit C rich Food) and when soaked in water for 10mins before consumption
Do garden cress seeds help in increasing height,I’m inquisitive coz my daughter is 12 slightly overweight but stands only 5ft tall
Hi Nidhi,
There is no such research which proves it’s benefit in increasing height. You can enroll here for sports and physical activity. Overweight will cause a advanced puberty (menstruation) which will again lead to height stagnation.
Any other help require you can mail us on info@nutrichoice4u.com
This post is genuinely a nice one it helps new net users,
who are wishing in favor of blogging.
Very informative article.
I am having it after my delivery as kanji. Equal quantities of garden cress seeds, green gram and broken rice are cooked. Add milk, sugar or salt.
Hi there. It sounds great.Kanji is one of the best form of preparation and also with lime water the absorption of nutrient increases. Avoid having it with milk and products.
Heard that halim kheer is good for lactation. Why you are saying that it should be avoided having with milk?
Halim is a rich source of Iron. Milk is rich source of calcium. Both when taken together interacts for absorption. So neither of the nutrient is absorbed at it optimum.
Thanks for the reply. Does halim help in lactation. If so whats the best way to take it?
Hi vava,
Halim does help to induce lactation post partum. It is best absorbed when taken with Vit C or Vit C rich foods.
Hello neha thanks for sharing such importance of halim.my mother is a severe asthma patient can she take halim seeds to cure. She is 64 years will consuming it will affect her harmons.If yes how and how much can be consumed.
Hello Preeti,
Your mother can take 1 teaspoon soaked halim in a day. If she is Asthma patient also give her 5-6 pcs of soaked manuka/ dry blackk grapes empty stomach.
Thank you soo much neha for replying and god bless.
Thanks for explaining its benefits so clearly.
I heard its name first time after my wife’s delivery.
Thanks for a great article and starting this informative blog. I never knew the benefits of Garden Cress seeds and that such kind of plant even exists in Bharat/ India.
Please post more such articles.