What is exactly FUT and FUE hair transplant?

By | March 1, 2025

In this article, I have tried to make things easy to understand you regarding FUT and FUE hair transplant. By the end of this article, you will at least get to know what these treatments are, what is the difference between these two techniques and which might be better.

You know everybody wants a good healthy life and want to have a good visual appearance. Without smart visual appearance, a person feels incomplete while, hair is an important element for any person’s look. And the first impression is totally dependant on your face look.

For this reason, if you are in search of verified clinics where can you get the best hair transplant treatment done, then in this case “Clinicspots” can help.

Clinicspots” is an online medical portal which helps you to get treatment under especially experienced doctors over the globe. It will help you to search and compare clinics with trusted surgeons.

Earlier in 1950s doctors used to provide treatment of hair transplant with a complex procedure but now things have changed. Medical science has changed the picture with the help of research and technology.

As a fact I would like to tell that Human head contains approximately 100000 to 145000 hairs. A hair contains a protein called keratin. There are some reasons of hair fall which I have discussed below.

Some of the factors are controllable while some are not. Those which are controllable if taken proper care then you can definitely reduce the rate hair loss.

hair loss

Now, I would like to tell you how hair transplant is defined. Hair transplant is defined as a surgical treatment in which hair follicles from the donor side are removed and transplanted in recipient side.

Read More: 3 Natural Tips to Prevent Hair Fall

Hair transplant is done generally by two methods first is FUT i.e. follicular unit transplant and second is FUE follicular unit extraction.

Before going for the process, the doctor will carefully check you. He/she will check your hair density in the donor area, your age etc. After figuring out all these factors he/she will finalize the procedure and will start working on it.

FUT Hair Transplant

Let’s have a look at FUT process. FUT technique is basically a traditional technique and people suffering from permanent hair loss can go for this treatment.

In this technique, a strip of skin is removed generally from your back side of the head and then from this strip, follicular unit grafts are prepared.

The area from where the strip is removed is stitched by the doctor. Then the strip is divided into approximately 600 to 2000 tiny graft with one to four hairs in each graft after studying under the microscope.

Now, the doctor will clean the recipient area i.e. the area where the hair should be transplanted. After cleaning he/she will make holes in that area. In that holes, each graft is placed properly. In this way after placement of grafts in the recipient area, the process of FUT gets completed.

I would also like to throw a light on some FUT treatment positive points like the doctor can transfer many hair follicles that can be up to 4000 grafts but in FUE maximum 2000 grafts can be transferred.

There are cities like London, Turkey, Dubai which provide hair transplant at an affordable price. Hair transplant clinics in Dubai are more technologically advanced and the cost here is calculated per graft. The special expertise in the field of hair transplant has good experience of carrying out surgeries through long-term experience.

FUE Hair Transplant

Now, I would like to share the FUE technique which is an advanced technique in which individual hair follicles are plucked from the donor area and are inserted in the recipient area.

This process differs from the FUT because, in FUT, the strip is removed while in FUE firstly, the donor area is trimmed or shaved then the hair follicles are removed individually.

Here I have written some positive points of FUE like there is less painful if you go for this treatment. From the doctor’s view, there is a minimal requirement of tools.

Scars are not visible in this treatment. Graft preparation is minimal. FUE provides you a natural hairline. There will be no need to visit the doctor again for the treatment.

Dubai over the years has been developed turned into a business hub for the planet. Dubai is thought for its awesome innovations in each field that has developed it too much beyond expectations.

Now coming back in case of hair fall, there are several factors which are controllable while some of them are uncontrollable. You can take a proper remedy for the controllable factors like lack of proteins and vitamins in the diet, stress etc. Some factors like heredity in hair loss have no solution, you must go with hair transplant treatment.

FUE Hair Transplant

According to me, FUE hair transplant is more advanced than FUT. FUE is more expensive but shows good results. Everything will have good as well as bad effect. There are also some risks involved in these processes :

like scarring, bleeding, pain, the formation of scabs, numbness, itching, infection, swelling.

Like if we consider the example of itching, some patients feel itching after undergoing hair transplant process, however, regular shampooing and moisturizing oils suggested by doctors will help you to overcome this side effect.

Similarly, if take the example of pain, you will get a minimum pain when you will undergo through the process and after the process but, the doctor will prescribe you with some painkillers that will help you to get out of the pain.

But don’t worry these are minor and temporary complications or risks which are involved in the hair transplant treatment. All these risks have solutions which will be given provided by the doctors.

And if you are confused to get your hair transplant done as stated above in the article then clinic spots will definitely help you in finding out the solution.

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RD Neha Kava

National Registered Dietitian at NutriChoice4u.com
Neha Kava is a National Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist in India. She specializes ins Clinical Nutrition, weight management. She likes to spread awareness and educate her readers about health, nutrition, fitness, mental health, sexual health and diet tips for holistic health. You can connect with her on info@nutrichoice4u.com Or hethhealthhome@gmail.com
Category: Health/Food

About RD Neha Kava

Neha Kava is a National Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist in India. She specializes ins Clinical Nutrition, weight management. She likes to spread awareness and educate her readers about health, nutrition, fitness, mental health, sexual health and diet tips for holistic health. You can connect with her on info@nutrichoice4u.com Or hethhealthhome@gmail.com

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