Here is the season of mangoes. Yummmyyyyyyy!!!!
Till now i have come across a very few countable number of people who are not mango eaters otherwise almost 95%+ population awaits for the seasonal mangoes. It is been loved for its distinct and very unique delicious flavour and scientifically for its various health benefits. This is the reason it is known as “THE KING OF FRUITS” in Asia . It is been said that if you eat good amount of seasonal mangoes, it fills your stores of vit A for almost a year.
When we talk about the benefits of mangoes first thing is its fibre content. As i have discussed it in most of my articles about the importance of fibre. I have also come across many diabetic people who love mangoes but do not eat them as their doctors, Nutritionist and Dietitian have restricted them. I believe that all the things of god’s creation never harm us. Thumb rule : moderation. Everyone is allowed to eat everything in moderation. If this rule is been followed, person can stay fitter for long long years.
< As we all know that vit A is required for healthy maintenance of eye functioning. A bowl of mango can fulfill 25% of vit A requirement. Its one of the best source to improve our eye sight and delay night blindness.
< It is also an immunity booster. Along with vit A it also has good amount of vit E along with 25 different varieties of carotenoids which acts as defense system for our body thereby raising body’s immunity.
< For diabetics, mango leaves improves the sugar levels. It can be prepared by soaking mango leaves overnight in water and then drink the water next day morning empty stomach. Mangoes have moderate GI (glycemic index: definition so moderate amount doesn’t cause any problem to diabetics.
< Mangoes are also rich source of antioxidants which include quercetin, isoquercitrin, fisetin, astragalin, gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as other enzymes. These compounds helps to protect our body from various types of cancers like colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers.
< It is a Skin Cleanser. We have heard of people saying that it causes pimple but the fact is that it removes the clogged pores from the skin and makes it clean and refreshing. Eternal application also treats acne,
< Pectin, vit C and fibre together help to lower the cholesterol, specially bad cholesterol.
< Mangoes are also good source of Vit E which raises sex hormones and boost libido. So mangoes in a way also improves Sex and fertility.
< Apart from vitamins, mangoes are also good source of mineral that is potassium. Potassium is mainly required for the optimum pumping of heart. Mangoes also keeps heart rate under control and also maintains homcysteine levels i the body. So its Heart Protective.
< Mangoes helps to improve Digestion because of its fibre content along with protein breaking enzyme which makes digestion easier.
So as we discussed about the benefits of mango, i see no reason one should avoid it. mangoes are available only during season so make optimum of the opportunity and fill up all your vitamins and mineral reserves to get its constant supply till the next season. There are varieties of mangoes available but they more or less give you same calories and nutrients. A medium size of mango will provide you with 100-105Kcals and Proteins, healthy Fats, Vitamins A, E, C and B, Phytonutrients, Glutamine Acid, Potassium, Copper, Fiber, , Iron, Enzymes.
RD Neha Kava
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