What North America’s Most Popular Diets Cost?

By | February 16, 2025

Search the term “diet plan” on Google and it will fetch more than 33 million results.  While there are not 33 million diet plans available, per se, there are quite a bit too choose from.  While one diet plan may work for someone, it could be a complete disaster for someone else, but for one thing, they all promote the same concept:  losing weight.

Most diet plans, unless you create your own or follow someone’s advice, will often cost money, especially if shake mixes and/or food is involved as part of the plan, but the question is how much?

I went ahead and researched seven of America’s most popular diet plans, along with the costs of joining.

  1. Atkins

Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet

Image Source

The Atkins Diet is known to be a high-protein, carb-counting plan that takes a unique approach in the weight loss field.  This diet, unlike most of them listed here, takes a simple approach: It only involves a book.  The cost?  A meager $15 brand new, but it can be found for a cheaper price if you were to purchase used. Cookbooks can be an additional cost to consider as well.

  1. eDiets

If you’re a fan of the hit show, Biggest Loser, then you should know this show works with the eDiets program by endorsing it.  This diet plan offers access to multiple diets on its website and is designed for those who need either a low sodium or lactose-free diet plan.  Regardless of which plan you select, the food will be delivered to your door for about $140 per week, plus another $20 or so for shipping.

  1. Jenny Craig

Even if you’re not actively looking for ways to lose weight, there’s a good chance you have heard this name before.

The Jenny Craig program offers a calorie-counting counseling service that can either be done online or at a local Jenny Craig center.  They supply the pre-packaged meals and it will be delivered straight to your door based on your profile and goals.  Depending on the customized program you pick out, the costs can be anywhere from $300 to as much as $800 per month.  Aside from this, the program encourages members to supplement their meals with vegetables, whole grains and fruits as well.

  1. Nutrisystem

Nutrisystem offers a variety of low-glycemic meals and snacks that are delivered to your door.  You simply follow the meal plan and eat according to plan.  The costs will greatly depend on your age, gender, if you’re diabetic, and if you considered yourself a vegan.  Based on these factors, the costs per month were anywhere from $300 to $330 per month, plus the cost of shipping, which was close to $20.

  1. South Beach Diet

South Beach Diet

Image Source

Like the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet focuses on a lot of protein and next to no carbs and will only require purchasing a book.  The latest paperback retails for $8 and optional cookbooks can be purchased for the same price as well.  Of course, this won’t include the food you will need to purchase to be successful with the plan.

  1. Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers

Image Source

Quite possibly the most popular diet plan on this list, the Weight Watchers diet plan takes a “points system” approach.  Their counseling program, along with their patented strategy, allows you to eat anything you want as long as you don’t go over the allotted points.

While you can purchase the Weight Watchers food in the stores, you can also use their app or books for point references.  This plan can cost $40 per month to attend local meetings.

    1. Zone Diet

    2. </


The Zone Diet is unique since it focuses on moderating your body’s hormones to help reduce inflammation, an

d of course, help fight weight loss.  The program ships food to your door, coaches you over the phone and offers access to an onl

    1. ine community for even more support.  According to our research, 14 days’ worth of food will cost about $180 plus shipping.

The Bottom Line

All the programs, as you can see, will vary with the inclusions.  Some may require you to simply read a book, while other plans will hold your plan and tell you exactly what to eat. </p>

As you can also see, the prices can add up, so if you’re certain you want a diet plan, make sure you research the reviews, study the plan an

d make sure it suits your lifestyle.





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RD Neha Kava

National Registered Dietitian at NutriChoice4u.com
Neha Kava is a National Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist in India. She specializes ins Clinical Nutrition, weight management. She likes to spread awareness and educate her readers about health, nutrition, fitness, mental health, sexual health and diet tips for holistic health. You can connect with her on info@nutrichoice4u.com Or hethhealthhome@gmail.com
Category: General well being

About RD Neha Kava

Neha Kava is a National Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist in India. She specializes ins Clinical Nutrition, weight management. She likes to spread awareness and educate her readers about health, nutrition, fitness, mental health, sexual health and diet tips for holistic health. You can connect with her on info@nutrichoice4u.com Or hethhealthhome@gmail.com

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