10 Best Yoga exercise for back pain

Today I will discuss about 10 best yoga exercise for back pain. Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul. Union is very important to have harmony in your body which will ultimately lead to better healthy life. Yoga for me was very boring and I thought that it was just stretching, breathing and folding your… Read More »

ZMA Supplement – Why you need it!

Protein supplements and creatine are two valuable supplements for everyone who train hard. Furthermore, most people even use a PWO every now and then, for that extra degree of madness during a training round. We also certainly take some multivitamins, (when we don’t forget to.) Add some amino acids and we have everything on the… Read More »

Importance of having enough sleep

In order to look and feel your best, you must have enough sleep. It is an old adage been practiced by a vast majority of people in the world that sleep is the most important thing to do on a daily basis. A person who has enough can manifest its good effects both physically and… Read More »

Raw Vegetables Versus Cooked Vegetables

I actually wonder why is the trend of eating fresh raw vegetables have suddenly rise from? Since years and years what we practiced was to eat cooked vegetables. Then why is the question, which is better? Cooked vegetables or raw vegetables? It is just the more research and more evidence found on foods which consumed… Read More »

10 ways to use leftover Vegetables

I come from Indian family, where food wastage is one of the religious crimes. We have always been thought to serve as required. Empty plate will give you blessings and the leftover food plate will curse you. From there I got an idea to go away with the curse and thought of 10 ways to… Read More »

What North America’s Most Popular Diets Cost?

Search the term “diet plan” on Google and it will fetch more than 33 million results.  While there are not 33 million diet plans available, per se, there are quite a bit too choose from.  While one diet plan may work for someone, it could be a complete disaster for someone else, but for one… Read More »

What makes swimming a complete workout?

Have you ever felt the cardio workout boring? Do you find it difficult to spend time on the treadmill? Are aerobics sessions hurting your joints? If yes, then here is the most interesting form of workout that you would enjoy while exercising your body as well as heart, and that is SWIMMING! So lets see… Read More »

What’s wrong with your diet?

We all know “You are what you eat” This is definitely true. But I feel sometimes we don’t even know what are we eating and how much we are eating. Am I right? Image Source We have moved towards modernization wherein we have stopped using fresh thing stop make food. We rely mostly on packaged food… Read More »

How To Keep Your Mouth Clean

The bacteria living in your mouth in the form of plaque can cause numerous problems like cavities, periodontal disease, and gingivitis. Keep your mouth healthy by practicing a proper oral hygiene on a daily basis. Plaque This is a layer of material containing bacteria that accumulates on teeth and areas where the brush is unable… Read More »

5 Important Benefits in Grip Training

Grip Strength influences everything Your grip strength will be central to how strong your overall body is during training. This is mostly due to the fact that over half the bodies muscles are designed to either lift something of the ground or to hang on to objects. Depending on the moves involved in your training… Read More »

10 Ways to Save Your Sinuses

Many hospital visits annually can be attributed to sinus problems. In fact, the American Academy of Otolaryngology rightly informs us that every year, over 37 million Americans experience sinusitis symptoms. Things are continuing to worsen thanks to our polluted environment and air. Sinusitis thoroughly impairs daily functioning causing pain, and significant challenges with energy, mental… Read More »

4 Tips on Busting through a Plateau when Working Out

A plateau is inevitable if you are regularly working out. This occurs when you have been doing a certain activity for a period of time, producing results and then the weight loss or improved conditioning simply stop. This happens because your body has become accustomed to the exercise or nutrition and it has become the… Read More »