Cow’s Milk or buffalo’s milk? Confused? Hmmmm…
There are many negatives and positives of both the types of milk. In Layman’s terms cow’s milk is understood to be very lighter and buffalo milk is considered to be heavy for digestion.
Apart from this not much information is known. But at the same time, milk is a very important part of the diet. There are good number of Indians who have more than half a litre of dairy in thier diet
Now what’s behind being heavy and light? What is really making the difference in the quality of milk? When a baby is born and top feeding of milk has to be started we usually hear our elders saying that cow milk is good for baby’s digestion and it’s also lighter for the baby.
Fat content: First line of difference is the fat present in both the milk. It makes the consistency of milk differ. Cow’s milk has low % of fat in it hence it is of thin consistence and thereby called to be lighter by a layman.
Buffalo’s milk is high in fat % and is thicker than cow’s milk and hence called heavy. As we know that a fatty food takes time for digestion and absorption and it stays in the stomach for a longer time giving us a feeling of heavy stomach or stomach fullness similarly buffalo milk has high fat and hence it takes time for digestion.
So cow’s milk is recommended over buffalo’s milk especially for infants and elders.
Buffalo milk contains cholesterol. So for many people who are suffering from diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, kidney diseases, PCOD, Obesity etc are advised to have cow’s milk.
Due to high peroxidase activity, buffalo milk can be preserved naturally for a longer period. Buffalo milk contains more calcium, better calcium: phosphorous ratio and less sodium and potassium than in cow milk which makes it a better nutritional supplement for infants.
Protein content: Proteins present in buffalo milk is higher than that of cow’s milk by approximately 11%. Buffalo milk protein is more heat resistant. Same like fats even proteins are difficult to digest for infants and older population. So even here the choice of milk is cow’s milk.
Calorie Content: 100ml of cow’s milk contains 70Kcals whereas 100ml of buffalo’s milk contains 100Kacls. It is obvious that buffalo milk has more fat and proteins so it will have more calories. So people who are on calorie restricted diet are again here advised to have cow’s milk to cut down the calorie consumption in the diet.
Water content: Cow’s milk contains less milk solids as compared to buffalo’s milk. Because of high non solid % cow’s milk is sometimes denoted as watery milk. It helps in hydrating the body. Approximately 90% of milk is water.
Composition of milk.
Nutrient Cow Buffalo Human
Water, g 88.0 84.0 87.5
Energy, kcal 61.0 97.0 70.0
Protein, g 3.2 3.7 1.0
Fat, g 3.4 6.9 4.4
Lactose, g 4.7 5.2 6.9
Minerals, g 0.72 0.79 0.20
If you look at the above composition of cow’s and buffalo’s milk, the values are close to each other, except for fat. In usual Indian practise, if we use full fat milk that is our cow’s milk then we generally use it the next day. So we boil today, remove the cream tomorrow and then use it. So we can expect that we have removed quite a good amount of fat from our milk. this makes your milk low in fat. And depending your requirement of body you can make choices of milk.
Your pasteurized milk will always have composition of milk. So before buying any milk, try to read the composition. Compare it between the available options you have and then make choice. And lastly I would recommend that you try to choose milk which is locally available and do not choose milk which you have to hunt every time.
Milk hence a very healthy food unless it’s not adulterated. It is very important to check the quality of milk before purchasing. Adulteration done with water, starch, white colour, shampoo etc. So everyone please purchase milk in packaged form or from a reputed dairy. These days animals are injected with artificial hormones which in passed in milk as well. So overall restrict your dairy consumption upto 400ml per day.
If you looking out for any recipes then you can take help from Sumo Chef.
If you like our above article then you can subscribe to our newsletter. Read about Milk Benefits in the diet.
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RD Neha Kava
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Thank You for This Amazing Content.
Hello admin
I have 6 months baby so which type of cow milk is healthier and suitable for baby please suggest. I live in Chandigarh.
Hello mam i have daaughter 3yrs old he had milk geeting buffelo but since she get he had problem of coughing snizzing or wheezing it can be helpful and she going week and week so which milk is better to giving him??
Hello Keyur,
Give her double toned milk (Tetra pack)
Where are you from?
Why double toned? Give desi cow milk with turmeric…
Hello mam i have daaughter 3yrs old he had milk geeting buffelo but since she get he had problem of coughing snizzing or wheezing it can be helpful and she going week and week so which milk is better to giving him??
Hlo neha mam…my mom is 40yrs old. So what’s daily diet for her. Plz recommend me.. Thnk u
Hello Shilpa,
i need to know her routine and then i can recommend diet for her.
Morning-roti, Afternoon- Rice n sabji, night-roti sabji n milk or someday rice. Sometime we eat special food also which is homemade.n plz tell me how i help her to lose weight by some change in diet if,bcz she excuse me for not to do exercise. Thnk u
You need to add protein and fiber to your diet..
Diet modification is required.
Pls write to me on
Hey Neha…
I read this post, which is so helpful for good lifr. And i get your mail id from this mail id only..
I have lits if questions and topics to dicuss about health n nutrition…
Reply by mail or text on 8805053170
Hello Ravi,
You can drop mail at
Hello neha mam… I’m 40yrs old what’s the daily diet for me.plz kindly recommend me…thnk u
Dear mam,
I am 23 years old have thin body, my height is 5.3, I do exercise regularly I want to increase my height , now I drink buffaloes milk with COMPLAN regularly.
Kindly suggest me which milk I need to drink to increase height.
Hello Devil,
Your height will have impact of your genes as well.. So if you parents are also of less height that will reflect with you as well..
Try doing pull ups, cycling, swimming, basket ball etc
The informative article it gives the clear idea about milk & it’s effect on health.
Thanks for sharing..!
Neha kava
mam I want to increase fat in my body .
so baffalows milk is better for me or not . Plz suggest.
Because I want to gain weight for doing gym after 2 years.
so which milk is best for me for gaining fat in my body.
I am very concerned about my hair, some people are saying drinking milk daily will make hair weaker and allow it to fall quickly, i am drinking daily one liter of jersey packet milk, please advise.
Thanks & Regards
Hi Mam, My baby name is Neha Abimenu. She is 6 months old with low weight 37 month normal delivery. She has low blood sugar problem from birth and hence she didn’t support bf. She is 6 months right now and having formula milk and solid twice a day. But still low blood sugar appears if she missed to have feed within 2 hours. She S still low weight but doubled birth weight now. Can I give buffalo milk to increase her weight. Please advice.
You have mentioned : “Buffalo milk contains cholesterol. So for many people who are suffering from diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, kidney diseases, PCOD, Obesity etc are advised to have cow’s milk.”
But as per all other sources on internet, buffalo milk contains lesser cholesterol than cow’s milk. That’s some contradiction there.
Hello Aditya,
Basically, more amount of saturated fat in diet will produce cholesterol in your body. So since buffalo milk is high in fat, it is restricted.
Hello madam this is kamal..i have twins both girls 3 years…which milk should i give her cow or buffalo…plz suggest ..
Hello Kamal,
You can give any milk which they are able to digest
My doctor advise me for freeding buffalow milk intant of cow milk for my 2 months girl baby….it is right advice?????….plz help
For babies cow milk is absorbed better
Hello mam my baby is 7 month she was powder feed but doctor change to cow milk in that only gokul cow milk suits her other all amul; gowardhan cause loose motion. Now we have shifted home but here i am giving only motherdiary tonned milk & suits her.. is it good for her…
Yes you can give her mother dairy tetra pack.. Its safe
tetra pack milk specially prepared for emergency period and for lacking area ..and it is heated at 125 degree nutritional value become lesser than pouches…so if u dont get cow milk then u can use single toned pouch milk..or double toned milk..
I m very lean body
I want rise my body and personality
Ply help me mam
Hello Karan,
Your diet and lifestyle will play a very important role in weight gain. So if you are interested you can connect me on Whatsapp number +91 9819447425.
Detailed diet chart will be given to you which will help you to gain weight.
Charge per diet chart will be 500rs.
Want to loose weight
Hello Hena,
I can definitely help you to loose weight. And a healthy weightloss.
Write to me at
A very good article. Thank you for the insight.:) Good job!
Very Knowledgeable.
want to gain weight
I can help you with weight gain diet plan.
We do online consultation.
Fees per consultation is 399 INR
Below is the link for payment
Once you make payment, I will start with the diet consultation
And based on this, diet will be formulated
Let me know once you make payment
Mam u have fast digestion .I want to gain weight so what should I do .I am 27 old
Sorry I have
Hello Naresh,
I need to find out what is your present diet and then i can suggest you what changes are required.
You can write to me at
Write your daily routine in the mail along with meals and meal timings
Hi Mam,
My baby is 1 yr & 6 months old. He has calcium deficiency as some of his bones are growing more in size but overall growth of his body is not growing or very less growing. doctors are saying he has calcium deficiency. which milk is better for him cow’s or buffalo’s?
Hello Khushnuma,
In case of calcium deficiency why will bones grow?
Please take second opinion.
Where are you from?
You can give him 500ml cow’s milk in a day.
Also Banana, ragi, cheese, paneer are good source of calcium which you can add to his diet.
Among them which one is better for a boy of 17.
Both the milk can be considered…
Mam, i am thin from back 10 years. But was Fat before it. Now I want to gain weight again.
So, Which Milk suits me??
Hello Rajat,
You can choose any milk.
But let me tell you, drinking milk alone will not help to gain weight.
We provide online diet consultations.
I guarantee you the results.
SO if interested you can mail me.
Mam..i am vitamin d3 n vitamin b12 deficient..which milk will be best fir me? And i feel constipated after taking toned milk of motherdairy..plz reply..
You can dink any fortified milk.
Mam can you tell me my diat plan. Im skinny boy nd my weight is 45kg so i want to gain some weight plz tell me about mu diat..
Buffalo milk contains cholesterol. So for many people who are suffering from diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, kidney diseases, PCOD, Obesity etc are advised to have cow’s milk.
Which one, cow or buffalo milk leads to higher cholestrol and triglycerides ? Which is good for cardiac patients?
“Buffalo milk contains cholesterol. So for many people who are suffering from diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, kidney diseases, PCOD, Obesity etc are advised to have buffalo’s milk.”
Can you please clarify this?
Long answer… but…
Commercial milk is not generally fortified with B12.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the cholesterol in milk. If you read the cautionary warnings, Cholesterol lowering drugs are known to cause diabetes in some people, Even though milk is fortified with D3, it is important to get some exposure to sunlight every day so that the skin can manufacture its own Vitamin D.
As for calcium absorption, be sure you are not deficient in magnesium.
If one is a diabetic, reduce caloric intake by cutting out starchy carbs as much as possible. Walk for at least 30 min. each day. Walking improves blood circulation which improves the functioning of all the organs of the body and helps rid itself of toxins.
Eat a variety of vegetable for nutrition, Omega 3 fats such as Krill oil. Avoid all refined and chemically extracted oils and fats.
Eat about 40-50 g of high quality protein.
Yogurt, kefir and a bit prebiotics will improve the type and quantity of the intestinal flora which is very important for the mitochondria which manufactures ATP, the useable fuel for the body.
Also go organic, to reduce pesticide residue, and drink and cook using only high quality water for the same reason. Modern chemical farming and growth hormones fed to animals are a major cause of obesity which can lead to diabetes and other chronic conditions.
I’m 18 yo guy. I have to consume lot of calcium for growth.whichh milk has more calcium? Buffalo or cow
Hi Neha,
Thanks for the article. As mentioned by you that milk (both cow and buffalo) is beneficial if not adulterated. Is there any way, institute which can help us to test milk ? Isn’t govt appointed bodies job to check adulteration?
Secondly, I would have liked if you would have shared some light on whether milk quality is impacted based on animal feed, living condition, other factors like pasteurization, etc ?
Quality of milk will obviously depend on her feed.
Neja ji, my wife has PCOS can u tell which milk will better
Hi mam I HV vitamin d3 n b12 deficiency so wch milk I intake cow milk r buffalo milk plz recommend me waiting for ur reply
Hi mam,
The new milk called Vio of Coca cola is from pig and cow (genetically)
No idea
Mam i am 6 month pregnant lady which milk i take
Any which suits.
I have heard that consuming Buffalo’s milk leads to constipation as it has more heat
Mam I have 16 month baby which milk I should take?
Which milk is good for remove pimple pass reply me I m waiting of ur answer…….
“”Buffalo milk contains cholesterol. So for many people who are suffering from diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, kidney diseases, PCOD, Obesity etc are advised to have buffalo’s milk.””
Is there a typo error, here?
In the article you mean?
Cow’s milk is better for any diseased condition
“”Buffalo milk contains cholesterol. So for many people who are suffering from diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, kidney diseases, PCOD, Obesity etc are advised to have buffalo’s milk.”” is this true about buffalo milk please confirm
Mam I have two kids (9 yrs and 3 years) ..pls suggest which milk I should take ?
Can take any milk.
Hi for body building which milk is useful : reply pls
Always prefer “Buffalo Milk”.
Well i wonder why do hou even recommend buying packaged milk , when there are numerous reports stating harmul contents present in packaged milk. Why not buy fresh from milkman.
Please avoid Gokul, Amul, Govardhan or any other brand’s cow milk. Usually these brand sell Jersey Cow’s milk which is not good for health. This milk is known as “A1 Milk” and contains A1 Beta Casein and BCM 7 which causes Cancer, Diabetes, etc.
These brands do not sell Desi Cow’s milk. Desi Cow’s milk is known as “A2 Milk” which is really a boon for mankind.
Why is cow milk easy to digest.
It nice… and Buffalo’s milk is good
Cow milk good
Hi mam, i have 2 kids(age- 7 yr n 2 yr) elder one has also started with Football Classes. Which milk is better for them- mother dairy full cream pasterised milk or mother dairy cow milk
Hi im 50 yrs old height 176cm weight 51 kg.can i eat cream from whole milk for weight gain.
Mam my wife believes that cow milk is better as compared to Buffalo milk for our 4years son,my son is weak.what do think that my wife is right or wrong or can we give the Buffalo milk to our son.which milk is good for his health.she said Buffalo milks is not good for brain development.
Hello Devinder. There is nothing good or bad. Cow’s milk is better
a sit has less fat it is easy for digestion.
Hello mam,i go to gym regularly and I’m on diets well as lifting heavy.I am slightly overweight but need good protein contents as well as to not lose the muscle mass.which milk shall I prefer?
Hello maam i have low sex drive problem . If i drink buffalo milk can improve my sex power
Hi Neha I am Raj…
I am 20 years old . I am taking buffalo milk 500ml + one egg in morning is that good enough. Which is good cows milk or buffalo’s milk.
Hai madam.I am divya basically from Karnataka state and I am used to drink cow’s I stay in andra and here we get only baffello milk so from 4 years I am drinking only baffelo milk .and now feel that I am becoming it because of the baffello milk?give me suggetions to lose my weight and regain my healthy body
Hello Divya,
Only milk cannot be contributing factor for your weight gain.
You have to see other parts of your lifestyle also.
You drink Buffalo milk after removing the cream.
For further queries you can write on
Hi Neha, my son is 5months old and I am giving him 120ml cow milk partly morning and evening.Is quantity less/sufficient/more. Plz advice.
Feed on demand
give difference between cow milk and buffalo milk according to hormone ??
hi mam, im 3mnth pregnant. I used to drink only buffalo milk, is there any problem to continue buffalo milk during my full pregnancy.
Hi mam im 3mnth pregnant. I used to drink only buffalo milk. Can i continue during my full pregnancy. Is there any problem?
you can continue
Hello mam,
Which milk has higher amount of Calcium? Cow milk or Buffalo milk?
Hello Pranav,
Buffalo milk will have higher calcium. But it is also accompanied by lots of fats.
Hello mam
Which milk more benifits for infants
Hullo Neha
lCould u suggest on which milk is best for ages 5 to 55
1. desi cow milk or
2. jersey or n
3. buffalo
4. skimmed and toed
Rakesh, which ever is easily available.
Buffalo milk is high in saturated fats
Hi mam, my husband is diabetic, last two days i m using buffalo’s milk. Is that safe..
Diabetics can use buffalo milk but it is very high in fat. amke sure you skim it nicely. Limit consumption to 150ml. Make sure you add other source of calcium and protein in diet which we have to compromise from milk
Thank you so much mam. Wil try com milk instead.
Hi. My baby 5 months old and she has allergy to cow’s milk protein and soy as well. Pediatrician recommended to switch on amino-acid based formula Neocate which is very difficult find out and very very expensive a well. She was on Neocate 1,5 month and we had to switch her to a goat’s milk due high cost of Neocate milk. Now she is getting goat’s milk almost 20 days and doing well,but goat’s milk is also not enough for her and very difficult to find. I want to try buffalo milk, is it safe for baby who has allergy to cow’s milk? Thanks
Hi Neha my baby is 5 months old and we are feeding him from last 2 months once or twice with buffalo milk mixing half water in it.he is easily digesting it. Is it safe to continue?..
Yes it is safe
Iam following a low carb, high fat & protein diet. so does that mean buffalo milk is better for my diet as buffalo milk as better fat and protein content and is it ‘good’ fat when it comes to buffalo milk.
Yes it is. But buffalo milk is saturated fats. it is better to take fat from nuts and seeds. It is good quality fats
hello madam..i am 23 yrs old..i have an acne do u suggest that whether i should drink milk or not? i have read on many sites that milk triggers acne.kindly consider this.Thanks ..!! 🙂
Hello Tushar,
It actually caries person to person. But if you can do trial and error. Remove milk from your diet for a month and see if acne reduces. You can replace milk by soymilk.
For me milk is safe for consumption. You can try using double toned milk.
Thanks a lot madam for replying 🙂 ..Here Tushar..I further want to ask whether to drink double tonned milk of cow or buffalo for acne because soy milk is not available in my city.Again Thanks!!! 🙂
You can choose any of yoru choice.
Hi Neha,
My son is 5 years old. Is it good, if i switch to buffalo milk for 3 days and cow milk for 4 days.Let me know.Confused with the advantages of both and have decided to do so. Help me in taking decision.
Hello Yam,
You can do so. Buffalo milk bit heavy for digestion but if he is ok with it then you can go ahead.
My boy is 5 months old so which milk is preferable cow or buffalo…???
Cow’s milk is safe for digestion
Hi baby girl is 5 months old and has been feeding with cow’s milk since almost birth. Pediatrician adviced not to use cow’s milk but we found it suitable for her.Recently we observed that she is liltle underweight. Can we switch to buffalo milk or formula food like nan etc?
Hello Alok,
I would suggest to stick to cow’s milk if she has got used to it. Do not worry about her weight if she is active. You should be introducing her top feed now.. So dont experiment on milk. Start giving her mashed dal, fruit pulp, mashed khichdi etc. start adding small amount of ghee also.
Mam, I am 24 year old but my weight is 49 kg. what to do?
Hello Ashish,
You can enroll with us for weight gain diet.
Send mail on
Hey I’m Abhishek I’m 17 years old, my body is fill always weakness and my hight is not growing up so which milk will be help to grow up my hight and good for my body plz answer me
Thank you
Hello Abhishek,
You do exercise like cycling, playing basket ball, do pull ups, swimming will help to increase some height. you can take cow’s milk
Hy! Ma’am i am 22 year old. Body weight 53kg, height 5’10”
I am going to jym so which milk is good for me Whether, cows or Buffalo.
(Please give me a reason why its better)
Hello sunny,
You can choose cow’s milk as it is low in fat
Hi Madam,
My kids are 9 and 5 yrs old..which milk is best for them…cow or buffalo milk?
Hello Kalla,
You can give then Cow’s milk as it is easy to digest
Hi mam, i am 25, which milk do i prefer so that it doesn’t give heat to the body, i get pimples when i drink tea, milk , coffee, only black tea is good but if i mix milk then i get pimples, so plz do suggest me which one shall i prefer? Cow or buffalo?
Hello Nitesh
you can use cow’s milk.
i am a gym guy so require more protein so wt i use .
Hello Ashok,
Use cow’s milk. Milk is also accompanied by fat. So limit usage
I m radhika. My baby is one year old. Can i give him cow’s milk.
Yes Radhika, you can give safely
Hi…. my baby is 2 months old and i started giving her buffalo milk by adding water in it in the ratio 2:1. She digests the milk and has no problem. Is buffalo milk good for my baby?
Hello Harry,
if baby is digesting you can give.
Read the questions& answers which satisfied me.But today doctors often prescribe costly powdered milk for the newborn babies when the babies do not get breast milk of their mothers.In this situation it is very much difficult for the poor parents to purchase costly branded powdered milk.Then what is the remedy for the poor parents who live from hand to mouth.Can a newborn baby consume cows milk if it is available in the villages?
Hello Keshab,
If affordability is an issue then have to rely on cow’s milk. Mother’s milk will have some immunoglobulins which builds up child’s immunity. So these branded formulas are made very close to mother’s milk. Hence it is costly and recommended by doctors.
Hi ma’am I am 36 years diabetic I want to know which milk either cow or buffalo is better for me
Hello Dharmendra,
pls drink cow’s milk.
Hy mam ankit here i just want to know which milk is better for teenagers however i am 21 year.
Hell ankit,
You can take cow’s milk. Its safer on long run.
Hi , I m 4 months pregnant which milk shud I consume cow’s or Buffalo to give better nutrition to baby ?
Hello rupal
You can have Tetra pack Cow’s milk.
Hello mam
I have read early introduction of cow milk can cause diabetis type 1
Because of bovine it true?is it safe to give milk if is not organic?
Hello mam,
you can use tetra pack double tonned milk.. 🙂
hey i was planning to join a gym so which milk must i prefer, i am 19 yrs old. weight 50 height 5’8
Hello Viabhav,
You can take cow’s milk
Hii my baby s 18 months cn I gv Buffalo milk to my baby
Hello Tani,
Yes you can give your baby buffalo milk. If you introducing first time add some boiled water for dilution.
Hey,ma’am I prefer to take solid milk (solid obtained milk when veniger is added in milk) I am 17 now …should I just drink milk …or continue taking solid milk …..??
Hey Maam,I prefer to take solid milk (solid which remains when veniger is added in milk) is it good or I should simply drink milk…I am confused.. I am 17 now ..which would be good for me ???
Hello abhishek,
Drink fresh milk
BY BABY IS 4.5 MONTH old I Am giving him COW MILK but sometimes we didnt large amt of Cow milk because its not available so that i have added mother diary cow milk
so is it ok ya phir usse baby ko koi problem hogi
Hello Loveleen,
You can give your baby mother dairy milk. If she has any allergy towards it than you can look at changing the milk.
Hello mam,
My baby boy is 14months old .I wanted to start giving him fresh cows milk but it’s not available in my area I am getting only tetra pack of cows milk .wanted to ask u is it safe n it’s healthy fr baby to have tetra pack of cows milk.
Hello Kanishka,
Yes you can definitely start using tetra pack for your child.
Tetra pack is generally UHT milk which is pasteurized at 125 degree Celsius.. So nutritional value become less..but if u wana give tetra pak then go to single toned or I recommend Double toned milk..
Dairy Tech.
Hi… My daughter is 8 months old.. I started formula milk while she turned 6 months old… Now with the pediatrician’s advice I started giving her diluted buffalo milk (lil warm).. But I have started noticing that she poops quite often… Atleast 4-5 times a day, which was not the case while she was formula fed… Is this normal??
Hello Priyanka,
It will happen in initial days till she gets adjusted to buffalo milk. Cow’s milk is lighter to digest. I would advise to give cow’s milk.
Hello madam,
For one week baby which milk is suggested, and tell me ratio….
Hello Narender,
for one week baby, give lactogen or Nan-1 formula. its composition is similar to mother’s milk.
Hi Mam
I have daughter 9 month old, I was giving her farex milk from last 8 month but now I have started cow milk to her, has created egzyma on entire body. what should I do in this situation, please advise.
Pls check if she is allergic to mil.
i’m 19 years old and i’m suffering from calcium defeciency which milk do u prefer to me??
Hello Ganesh,
Take skim milk powder and add to your chapati flour and regular mil.
If you interested in high calcium diet then you can write us on
Hi Mam,
My Daughter is 4 years old. She has been drinking Buffalo milk at home. But at School she is provided with Cow milk and she is Vomiting at least once i the school. Not sure whether Please advise.
Hello Ammu,
you can inform in school that she cannot take cow’s milk. Or try to flavour it and give her.
My son is 2 months old he is not breastfed. What he should be given formula or cows milk….
If u suggest formula which one is the best
Hello Greeshma,
Give him cow’s mil.. If possible tetra pack… 🙂
Hello Mam .
My son has mild autism and someone advised me to give him gfcf diet and even told me buffalo milk is good for him as it is casein free. Is it true Mam. Secondly is Amul gold the red packet milk buffalo milk .
Hello Manasi,
what is gfcf diet?
Hi neha
I have 8 month twin babies,my son vomits these days (my girl doesn’t ).i have started giving semi solid foods, like kheer custard banana…but i guess using buffalo milk in kheer and custard doesn’t suit him,thats why he vomits…any suggestion?
Helo Humera,
Try cow’s milk or toned milk.. No two kids are same…
My question is that A reputed dairys are not mixed anything in the Milk but how many percentage UREA or other Argo chemicals in the cow and buffalo Milk which is taken by their Food?
Dear Ashok,
Sorry I have no idea about it!!!
Hi mam,
My baby girl is 2months old and I am breastfeeding her.I give her formula milk twice or thrice in a day.Is it safe to replace formula with diluted properly boiled Buffalo milk.plz advice.
Hello Ritu,
You can go ahead with Buffalo milk. Dilute it initially and then you can give plain.
Is better are not drink buffalo milk without mixed water please tell me
Hello Mahi,
Yes you can.
Tq mam
Hi neha
My baby is 5 months old. I m giving her buffalow milk from last 3 days by diluting it with water in the ratio of 1:2. But she gets constipated n doing hard stool. Plz suggest how much water should be added and does buffalow milk increase weight of my baby ?
Hi mam
My baby is going to complete 5 months. I m introducing her buffalo milk from last two days by adultring milk with water. But i don know how much water should be added. As she gets constipation after giving it by 1:2 ratio of milk and water. Plz suggest how much water should be added on buffalo milk and can i also add some white sugar also ?
Hello artika,
i would advice to give plain milk. Baby will get habituated to sugar milk. If yo get pure honey you can add that
hi my daughter is 9 month old.she was on motherfeed but one month back she stopped feeding and she was not on bottle feed so now this is a big prob she is not having any kind of milk only diets including cerelac and soji dalya and some fruits niw suggest me what should i do to restart the milk again b/c she is not taking i m si worried
Hello Fareeha,
You can give her cheese, paneer, curds if she is not taking milk. You can knead her chapati dough in milk instead of water.
Is buffalo milk alright for adults?
Hello Varun,
It has high fat levels.
Hii.. neha. As im suffering from high uric acid.. will you tell me which milk is better for me. Cow milk. or buffalo milk. or soya milk.. plz help me. thanks…
Hello Manav,
YOu can have soy milk , then come co’s milk.
My lil one is 2 years 2 months, a bit anaemic and underweight. We have been giving her only cows milk. Do you suggest to give her buffalo milk which might help her in gaining a weight. Or should we do a mix a cow and buffalo milk in her diet. Would appreciate your help. Or shall we stick to cows milk only.
Helo KP,
Pls stick to cow’s milk. You can give her eggs, apple, watermelon, beetroot, tomatoes, muskmelon for iron.
My baby is 6 months old and now i want to introduce cow milk can u sggst which pne os better for baby cow milk or buffalo milk?
HEllo Sana,
Cow milk is easy in digestion. I would advise cow’s milk.
my baby is 10 months old..and would like to give him heritage packet milk. how much water quantity need to added for 500ml milk.and is it safe to give packet milk for babies.
Hello Manasa,
You can give her cow’s milk. Add 100ml water to 500ml milk. Go on reducing the dilution every week..
dr. mujhko milk curd or cheeze se allergy hai kya vo allergy both milk se hai cow or beffelow or agar main both milk me se ik ko choddd krr dusraa chooze krloo kyaa main theek ho jayuga
Hello Mehakpreet,
I did not get what you are trying to ask me..
Are you lactose intolerant?
Hi neha. My daughter is 8 months old. Upto now shehas been breastfeeding but now it seems that it does not suffice her. The issue is that she refuses to eat any other food. We have to force her to eat. What do you recommend we give her?
P.S. Buffalo milk is not available in South Africa
Hello Sufian,
You can start her with all the meals in mashed or semi mashed form. You can also give her toned milk. Give her prodiges, fruit pulps, mashed rice, khichdi eat
Thanks. Really appreciate your concern. Mind you but buffalo milk is not available in my country. We drink cows milk. Woth regards cows milk does it have to be toned as well before feeding the baby or can we just give it to her as it is ?
Hello Sufaian,
You can give her any toned milk. initially you can dilute it a bit but if she is able to digest pure milk then you can give i t.
Hello Neha mam,
I have 4.5 girl baby.I give only breast milk to her,in this stage,breast milk is enough to her? I feel that she lose weight,Suggest some food which is used to increase breast milk.After 6 month ,what milk,I want to give either cow milk or buffalo milk
Hello Laxmi,
you can give her cow’s milk. And start giving her bland mash foods also.
Hello mam,
we are giving our baby buffallo milk since last 6 months, now she is 15 months old. can we continue buffallo milk……..
Hello Pankaj,
If your baby is digesting buffalo milk than you can continue.
Hi Mam,
Good morning..
My baby boy is of 7 months old and we are giving him buffalo milk, also in between mother feed & some simple daal etc. Pl suggest whether we have to think over cows milk or continue with buffalo milk?
Lokesh Kumar
Hello Lokesh,
If your child is comfortable with buffalo milk you can give him that. Its that buffalo milk has high amount of fat which is required now for them.. But later it might not be helpful. SO as a part to inculcate a good food habit you can switch to cow’s milk.
For improving B-12 level which milk is preferable, Cow or Buffalo?
My baby is 4 month old i am giving her cow milk from 1 and half months as my breast milk is not enough for her.she never had any problems with cow milk so can I continue to feed her cow milk
Hello Sheeta,
You can definitely give her cow’s milk.
Our Chhotu is 13 months old and he does not eat anything except Amul Milk.
His teeth are not yet come. Before 2-3 months he used to eat chapati. But now a days he starts spitting chapati when we feed him. Please advise us what to give him to eat.
Hello Sam,
It is very common. Kids get bored with same kind of food everyday. Give her differet varieties or colours of chapati. Make food little interesting and colorful.. make use of palak and beet roots to give colours to thier foods.You can make chapati a bit salty or sweet sometime.. Give him upma/ porridges, sheera, kheer etc. Whatever he likes.
Thank You Very Much Mam.
hi. im watching my weight since 1 month and I’m also trying to increase my height. I’m a guy, 19 and 160 pounds. i do cardio for 1 hour a day. which milk would you suggest for me? thanks in advance!
hii my son is 21 months i have started cow’s milk from the past 2 months but he is having an allergy of chest so now i think its cause of cow’s milk and everyone suggested me to stop giving him cow’s milk but my husband dont believe on me..he says cows milk z best n dont quit it..please help me
Hello Honey,
Cow’s milk is definitely good but if your child is allergic to it then obviously discontinue… You can try giving him buffalo milk or soya milk. It can also be due too some other infection that there would be infection in chest,,,
Hello Dear Neha Kava,
first of all appreciate ur patience & concern in replying in detail to every query posted here.
my son is 3years old & has been consuming buffalo milk since he was 1year old, we are now planning to give him cow’s milk (from a near by organic farm, as we suspect buffalo milk from most of the popular dairies to be adulterated). will there be any disturbance in his digestion due to the change?
& also can buffalo milk be ever given once he gets used to cow’s milk?
Hello Mazhar,
You can definitely give your kid Cow’s milk. And you can switch him to buffalo milk whenever required. There would be no digestion issue. Don’t worry..
thank u very much for the prompt reply.
Hi mam,
My baby is 4.5 month old and we need to start feeding external milk from next week onwards as im a working woman. Which milk is best to begin with ? Cow or buffalo ?
Our peditrician suggest to start with buffalo milk.
Kindly suggest.
Hello Manjiri,
Why don’t you express your milk and go to office and give that Milk to your child instead of Cow’s milk or formula milk.
If you still want to give top feed, give your child Lactogen or Nan 1. Dilution is mentioned on the container. Breast milk will make your child’s immunity strong. Giving breast milk will also benefit you to loose those extra Kilos what you must have gained.
I have a 18 months old boy we are feeding him cows milk for more than a year now. I was thinking of shining to buffalo milk
Kindly advice which milk will be better for the child.
And should I shift from cows milk to buffalo milk.
Hello Mr. Bhawesh,
Continue feeding Cow’s milk only
Mam all peadriticians suggests not to give cow’s milk to babies as it causes infection.
are you sure that cow’s milk is better?if yes,then please explain me
Hello Avish,
I have clearly mentioned it in the blog. If you read the entire article you will get an answer for your question. It’s is the nutrient content in milk which will make it good or more good.
Changing cow Milk from Buffalo cause weight loss in kids…. as my daughter causes mucous due to buffalo milk , i m shifting to cow’s milk… is it right or not?
Hello Padma,
You can shift to cow’s milk. It will not cause any weight loss in your kid.
dear madam,
My son is of 13 yr old during vacation he goes for swimming class and basketball coaching class,for him how much milk should i give him and which milk should i prefer and when should i give him?
Hello Subha,
Give him Cow’s milk. 500ml per day should be sufficient for him.
hi neha
My son is 1 & half month can I give Cow Milk as he dont take powder milk
and if i can give cow milk please tell me what should be the ratio with water…?
Hi Vishal,
You can definitely give Cow’s milk. 1.5yr old kid can be given 80% milk and 20% water. and gradually stop diluting with water.
Excellent site you can follow this site everybody and best suggetions
Hello Mam,
My son is 2 n half yrs old…he is little weak n his weight is also less.Which milk is good for him ?
Dear Akanksha,
You can give Cow’s milk.
Ok thanks mam
Hello ma’am I am giving full cream milk to my 15 months baby!! Now I am thinking of starting with cow’s milk.. Is it good to start with cow’s milk now??
Hello Chesta,
You can give your child cow’s milk.
My son is 1 yr old. I am giving him lactogen formula milk. Can I start giving cow’s milk. If yes, how much of water should be added for one litre packet cow’s milk?
HEllo Zeba,
You can add 30ml water to 70ml milk. And gradually within one month you can shift to 100% Cow’s milk
Dear mam which milk is best for one year old baby ? wether cow milk or formula milk such as similac mom etc ? also inform me which milk is high in cholesterol content, cow or buffalo?
Hello Zaid,
You can continue to give cow’s milk to your baby without any doubt. Cow’s milk is less in saturated fats as compared to buffalo’s milk.
ok thanks mam. should i give cow milk as a whole or low fat to one year old baby?
Hello Zaid,
You can give cow’s milk.
Thanks a lot mam
if humans can drink the cows milk, do cows also drink women milk or the breastmilk?
Hello Peceph,
Cow’s definitely drink mother cow;s milk.
Hello mam.
My son just turned 4 last month. He has buffalo milk twice a day. I usually dont dilute the milk with water. Is it ok for him to have buffalo milk twice a day. He is a fussy eater n his nutrition is incomplete most of the times. Will milk help him in getting some necessary nutrients for healthy development.
Hello Jacqueline,
Milk twice a day should be considered healthy for a 4 year old child. But make sure if any of the meal is replaced by milk. Additional to 3 major meals milk can be added to diet
Which milk is healthy for pregnant women?
Hello Mr Vinay,
Can talk Cow’s Milk.
mam wat Can I do if breast milk Is nt inough means?
Hi Karuna,
Give lactogen or any formula milk. It has composition close to breast milk.
Thks mam…
Hi Karina, how do you know that ur breast milk is not enough? Every mother. Produces enough for their child. Still if you feel so consult lactation consultant and increase your milk supply. Else use breast pump to pp your milk after your infant has fed, this will surely increase your milk supply. Do not start formula unless unavoidable. Formula do not have active enzymes and antibodies which your milk has.
hi dr pls suggest me tat cows milk is gud Fr three mths old baby… For few days I gave her similac stage 1 bt nw it is not good.. so I started cows milk.. and also I I have started to give her like ragi, kambu, thinai, kuthraivali, badam nicely mixed as powder and I hv added with hot water is it gud r not? and wit ths I have added pure jaggery powder
He Karuna,
It is advisable to give exclusive breast milk till 5-6months. Why are you in hurry to give her top feed. Give the stomach and intestine to become strong enough to digest those heavy foods.
hi fndz pls suggest me tat cows milk is gud Fr three mths old baby… For few days I gave her similac stage 1 bt nw it is not good.. so I started cows milk
My 4 th metatersal bone is fractured for 2 mths now. Its not yet joined. I have limited movements i cant walk. For me which milk is better .
Hello Gajanan,
Drink Skim toned milk.
am 28 year old male would like to gain weight from 65kg toawrds 70,what i s the best conventional it a good idea to consume half liter of raw buffallow milk daily.
Hello Sudeep,
You can consider drinking cow’s Milk over buffalo milk as Cow’s milk will have less fat component. And personally i would advice you to consult a professional for healthy weight gain.
Hi Neha,
Which milk should be consumed by Diabetic? i have read in few articles that Milk is harmful for diabetic. One should avoid milk if he/she is diabetic.
Hello Anand,
You can safely take Skim toned Milk which has Fat % less than or equal 1.
Hello Doctor, I have some allergy with milk. However I want to take milk continue for good health. But due to allergy, I can not take milk. Request to kindly provide me the solution for allergy from milk product. What items can be mix with milk for easily digest…? Also confirm that cow milk is best or buffalo milk for easily digest…?
Dear Mr Alok Kumar,
I would advise to shift to Soymilk. It will give you optimum benefits what you expect from Cow’s milk or buffalo milk. You could be lactose intolerant hence not able to digest milk. You can try having curd. If you can digest curds then you can replace your daily milk serving with curds. Cow’s milk should be used for less fat content as compared to buffalo milk.
Hi. My baby is 9 months old. He is on breast milk. Some times I am giving Vijaya packet milk diluted with water and adding little bit sugar. He is not drinking with out sugar. Please suggest how much quantity of water should be added in Vijaya packet milk and can I add sugar in that?
Hello Prasanna,
You start with 50-50 dilution and gradually reduce water by end of one month. Then he can have Milk without dilution. Do not make milk too sweet. A Pinch of sugar should be enough.
Hi my baby is 4months can I give him cow milk with mother milk
Hello Faheera,
Wait for baby to complete exclusive breastfeeding up till six months. After 6 months add cow’s milk. If incase there is insufficient cow’s milk then you can start with Lactogen or Nan.
My baby is 2 n a half months old n she is in lactogen only coz i dont hav milk so wat can i do to fulfil her nutritional supplement
Dear Priya,
Lactogen or Nan1 are the best substitute to the mother’s breast milk. As the formulation is being kept very close to human milk. SO continue using lactogen exclusively till 6 months and later you can start weaning the baby and add semi solid foods gradually along with cow’s milk.
Mam, my mother vitamin d level is low as seen in blood test what type of milk completes its requirement presently we r using buffalo fat milk.they faces problem while doing large amount of work
Hello Amrinder,
Kindly consider intake of Vit D supplements in that case. And for maintenance you can give her Skim Tonned milk which is fortified with Vit D. Read the nutritional label before buying any product.
Vie this
Mam, my mother vitamin d level is low what type of milk completes its requirement
Hello Dr. I have problem of PCOD and Nebothian Cist in Cervix , which milk is suitable for me either cow or buffalo.
Dear Hema,
you can safely use cow’s milk.
Hi Neha,
If we decide to give external feed for 5 month old baby,in the absence of fresh cow milk can we give him amul Tazaa or amul gold milk.As Nan pro 1 is not getting digested by my son.
Hello Pramod,
In your case you can give baby amul milk. Initially start by diluting it water and gradually go on decreasing the amount of water.
Hii neha
My baby is 7 month running and I m providing him cerelac but at night he use to cry why I don’t know please advice me best milk for him.
i am 75 yrs age n i just had surgery for stomach cancer.hence should i take buffalo milk or not
Hello Tenzin,
Use Skim Tonned milk with minimum fat %. SKim Milk have high maount of protein along with calcium and fortified Vit D.
Hello Mam,
I am a national level athlete and vegetarian so to fulfil my nutritional need I am fully dependent on dairy products I used to drink 3-4 litres of buffalo milk daily but someone told me that drinking milk more than 1 ltrs. Can bring many disease to my body?
Sorry for my Language I am weak in English
Hello Mr. Abhinav,
If you are athlete then you should know the importance of proteins in your diet. Dairy protein is not enough. Kindly consider taking whey protein in your diet. YPu can consider taking cow’s milk or skim tonned milk.
I need to know what milk should I drink cow milk or buffalo milk. As don’t want to gain weight but consume protein and some fat loss meanwhile
Hello Nitish,
You can use Nestle Slim Milk.
Hi Neha ,
My son is suffering from lactose intolerance and is not ready to take anything other than cow milk . i have tried different brands of Soy Milk . what should i do . he is 22 months old. Can Nan Pro 3 or lactogen be an alternative . pls suggest.
Hello mam
my son is 11 months old…he was premature in 8th month….which milk i can give him cow or buffallop
Hello Shruti,
Give him Cow’s Milk.
Hi Dr Neha kava
My baby is 17 months old first I tried cow milk n she got Little cough so I stopped n started giving Amul full cream is it ok Dr
Hello Vasanthi,
No worries. Give whatever your child is comfortable with.
my baby 1year old when he born i am start the fresh milk to his.but some doctor says fresh milk is not best for infant i am very upset what i do
hi neha,
my sister has a 8 days baby.she can’t feed her with breast feeding due to lack of milk. so, kindly suggest me which milk buffalo or cow is best for the baby girl.
my wife had same problem ,,,doctor suggested, FAREX..ask ur doctor
Hello Mam,
Is it ok if we feed 5-6 spoons of coconut water to our baby – 6 months old every day.
Pls. suggest.
Hello Sam,
You can feed your baby coconut water upto 50ml or as per the tolerance level of one feed per day.
Thanks Mam
can we mix cow milk and buffalo milk for our daily use?
Hello Vibha,
It is not advisable to mix two foods of same properties. You can alternate between them.
Hi Neha, I am doing gym. Cow milk is good for health. I heard cow milk is fatty so stomach will not be reduce, is it correct ?
Hello Som,
You can use Skim Tonned milk which has only 0.3% fat in it. It will give you more protein and calcium and least fats.
Hello Mam,
Our Baby is almost 6 months old. We used to feed him Amul Milk.
What extra things he should be feeded after six months. Please suggest.
Hello Sam,
You can give her whatever entire family eats but with less spice and in mashed form. Mashed fruits, khichdi, rice, dal, Chapati etc
I Have a baby girl with 5 months old she is not consuming nestle nan pro-1 i have started her giving vijaya toned milk she is consuming which will come in pkts so which is better buffalo or cows milk to give milk to her age
Hello Chandrashekhar,
Give her milk which she is able to digest well. You can give her either cow’s milk or buffalo milk. Also start some mashed foods for her.
Mine is same query;my 7 month baby is having nan pro 2 ,now I want to introduce cow milk or buffalo milk, which is better? Also tell me the ratio if it’s required to dilute water in a milk . Thanks
Hello Manisha,
You can start with Cow’s milk (70%) + Water (30%) and gradually go on decreasing water.
sir can u tell me please how much natural sugar in milk
Hello Majid,
Very negligible sugar present in milk.
hi i m harshal from mumbai,i have used some weight gainer capsules(ayurvedic)
i gain approx 20kg,but i loose again weight approx 5-7kg,my diet is good-eggs,chicken,milk,banana….musscle mass is not good…
i need some advice frm u-just fit body
Hello Harshal,
Include some nuts in your diet and also eat every 2-3 hrs. Keep a constant diet. It will help. Do not take any kind of capsules or medicine to gain weight or loose weight. Medicine will give u temporary results. You can go through my blog for weigh gain.
My daughter is 6months old.which milk is best other than my breastfeeding
Dear Priya,
Cows Milk should be given.
dear mam,
i having age of 20 nd lack of body mass only 48kg . . i am a skinny boy. . , i want to start consuming 2glass of milk daily. . is it good for gain body mass if is it. . which i should prefer. . . cow’s milk or buffalo?
your’s sincerely
“ankit seth”
Hello Ankit,
You can take cow’s milk. Add Ensure powder available in pharmacy. it will help to to increase your weight in healthy way.
My baby is 6months old i started cerelac i am mixing it with cow milk. I worried wheather it is good for health or not.Please suggest.
Hi afsar,
i personally would not advise to give packaged food to a baby at this early age. You give her home cooked food which is safe and healthy.
I have two kids 20months and 5 year boys ,how much milk should l give per day?and is packet milk safe or do you suggest any other like soyamilk etc?
Hi Neha ,
Recently I checked B12 and I got that it’s low (161) , can you please suggest me that which milk ( cow , buffalo or powder) will be better for to raise the level of B12 and other diet along with it . I am vegetarian so sources are very limited. So please suggest
Dear Vaibhav,
Vegetarian sources of B12 is mostly from milk. I would advise you to take skim toned Milk (0.3% fat) 500-600ml per day. With these low levels take B12 vitamin Injections.
Thanks Neha for the quick response.
I have another question, l have two kids 20 months and 5 year boys , how much milk should Igive per day? And finally is packet milk safe or do you suuggest alternatives like soy milk etc? Thanks for your time on this
Dear Sunil,
Give skim toned milk or cow’s milk. 400ml per day should be more than enough for both your kids. Milk shouldn’t be a replacement of meals.
Recent news says farms and milk vendors are injecting oxytocin to increace the milk production, which is very harmful to consumers. My question is is there a test or method to identify if the milk is sourced from such garms/vendor?
Dear Sunil,
Sadly there are no test which can prove that unless you witness it.
hi neha i just want to ask im coming from uk for 2 months my son is 18 mnths old can i start cow milk for 2 mnths recently im giving cow and gate ready to feed milk brand of uk no3 can u plz help me as he is teething will it suits him. when i will go back i will start the same. thanks Rajani
Hello Rajani,
You can give her cow’s milk safely.
Thankyou neha. can i giver her cow milk.after 5months??
Yes. After 5 months you can start safely.
Hi neha i start giving my 2month old baby cow milk n she is digedting it well m after one momth she got infection because of not wel sterilized bottle n doc suggest to give her lactogen recover for atleast one month now she is doing fine..can i give her cow milk now? she is not on breast milk becsuse of no supply..i am really worried about her health as on web they said that cow milk contain very low iron can i give iron rich cerrlac to her so she can get required amount of iron with cow milk??
Dear MJ,
2 months is a very small age to start Cow’s milk or Cerelac. Kindly follow doctor’s advise. Lactogen is a formula milk and its composition is close to breast milk. So without any second thought please start lactogen-1. Do not feed baby anything apart from lactogen till she completes 5 months. If you feel her iron levels are low you can check with her doctors and start iron syrup but definitely nothing other than this
Ohk thanx…
Hello Dr. Kava,
Thank you very much for your highly informative post. It clears many confusions I had regarding the merits and demerits of these two types of milk.
I have following two questions.
1. The protein content of buffalo milk is relatively higher. But does it contain all the 8 essential amino acids like cow milk?
2. If a person has lactose intolerance and is advised not to take any sort of milk, can you suggest some natural vegetarian foods that contain all the essential amino acids? Pulses are very commonly used in India which have high protein content, but as far as I know, most of them do not contain tryptophan and some other amino acids. Are soybean and groundnut suitable for this purpose?
Hello Mr. Ghosh,
If you are lactose intolerant you can definitely concentrate on soy milk as source of protein. Whey protein is excellent source of protein. Whey protein is portrayed as protein used only by weight lifters which is a myth. Calculated amount of whey protein can be taken by any person. 0.8gms per kg present body weight i.e if you weight 60kgs doing sedentary or low active then 60*0.8= 48gms protein should come from your diet. Protein intake should increase according to your physical activity.
My 4 months old baby feed lectogen 1 so can i give him pack milk is it ohk??? Waiting
Hello Ms. Khan,
Ideally Cow’s Milk is fed after 6months of age.
Hey… i want to know i have 3 months old baby can i give him pack milk like nesvita or olpers…???
Hi Sameer,
Give cow’s milk or Buffalo Milk after 6 months of age.
my colestrol level is 220 & my father colestrol is 240 we are consuming buffalo milk should we go for cow milk or not
Hello Mr. Pawan,
One of the step to reduce blood cholesterol is shifting to Cow’s milk from Buffalo’s Milk. There are many more restricted to eb followed to lower blood cholesterol. Write to us at
Am weaning my baby and was giving nan pro. But my baby is not gaining weight. doctor has advised me to start cow’s milk and stop formula a bit I have read cow’s milk is after one year.i have started cow’s milk but still confused. Do I have to give iron supplements if I give cow’s milk.
Please advise
Hi Clency,
Usually Cow’s milk is started at 6 month when you start weaning from breast milk. Iron and calcium supplement if required by the infants then it can be prescribed by the pediatrician. So in your case you have to trust your baby’s pediatrician and follow his instructions.
how can buffalo milk be good for all this problem diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, kidney diseases, PCOD, Obesity
Hello Dr. Angelish
Cow’s milk, skimmed Milk or double tonned Milk.
Hello Neha
I have two daughters aged 10 and 15 . They are physically active . Both of them do Karate and play basket ball ,Dance regularly .Both of them feel very tired after the class and cannot wake up fresh in the morning . We give them Cows milk from the milkman . would you suggest shifting to Buffalos milk. Though their weight is as per their height and age .
Hello Mukul,
i think milk is not the concern. Watch out their diet whether they are taking enough calories, proteins and vitamins, minerals in the diet which will support them to carry out these physical activities. Meals before activity and after activity is very important to protect body from degenerative processes. Concentrate on calorically dense foods which has majority of nutrients.
hi neha
my son is 5mon.15days old i m giving him 50gm of cow milk 4times a day bcoze i m nt getting enough breast milk to feed it gud or bad for his health..
Hello Garima,
You can continue. Give your breast milk first and then offer him cow’s milk. SO whatever extra hunger he has is satisfied by cow’s milk.
How many calorie one leter milk of buffelo
Hello Ajeet
100ml on Buffalo mik will give you 100Kcals
I hope that we should study which milk is best for human consumption, as it is mentioned in Devil in the Milk by Keith Woodford, the A2 milk is best, which is obtained from Indian Desi Cow Breeds. Gir is the best cow breed in the world. Before 1960, few Gir cows were sent to Brazil & now its the biggest country of the world which is producing A2 milk. So, we, the Indians should have to follow our ancient Indian culture in which it is said that the cow is our MOTHER…
Presently, I am preferring buffalo milk, as it is came to know that the cow milk which we were consuming was obtained from cross-breed cows, throughout the world which is known as A1 milk (please refer Devil in the Milk by Keith Woodford), which causes different types of serious diseases. The A2 milk contains Cosomorphin which is harmful for siblings. The milk obtained from the Indian cows known as A2, which is preferred for human consumption.
Mahendra Lone
HI ! I am taking aswagandha with milk every night . Which is better for height growth ? And at the same time I don’t want to get fat . Which milk is recommended , thanks
Hi sawlon,
Take skimmed Milk.
If you are preferring Skimmed Milk Powder, the basic quality of the milk should be excellent from which it is made. I am working in dairy industry, so I know which type of milk is being used for the production of the same, so be cautious while purchasing the Skimmed Milk Powder, it should be branded. Its always better to purchase only Indian desi cow breed milk not cross-breed.
Hi neha I am isha from Pakistan my 9 months old baby is taking morinaga BF2 but he doesn’t like it and even don’t want to see any formula milk.all the time he rejected to take milk .now a days I have started similac for introducing a new taste to him but he refused to take it too.i am so worried about him he takes only 5 ounces while sleeping..I am very much interested to give him cow milk rather than formula but I heard that cow milk cause allergy problems and botulism before 1 year old so should I try it on him if there is no problem with cow milk?
Hello Isha,
Cow’s Milk can be introduced to the baby after 6 months of age. SO in your case you can surely try cow’s milk to your baby. Start with diluting with water and then slowly reduce the quantity of water and give pure cow’s milk. Also watch out for any gastric symptoms. If incase he is allergic to milk sugar than he might have stomach discomfort. So after giving cows milk just chk if he is digesting it well.
Is there a difference in protein quality and quantity of paneer made from cow’s milk and buffalo milk. And how much protein does 100gm of paneer has made from cow’s milk?
Hello Anil,
Quality and quantity of protein will not differ so much. Fat will be higher in buffalo milk paneer.
Wonderful blog you have here but I was curious if you knew of
any community forums that cover the same topics talked
about in this article? I’d really like to be a part of
online community where I can geet comments from other experienced individuals that share the same
interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Thank you!
Hello mam.
I am daily going to gym and I want to know which milk is best in nutrients for me and I also suffering from stomach pain from some days
Hello Nehal,
You can drink any milk which you are comfortable with. Kindly check reason for stomach pain.
Hello mam my baby is 4 month old and once we try cow milk to him he got hives on his face..can i give him amul shakti milk?
hello Palak,
Your baby is too small to feed any other milk. You have to breastfeed him for 6 months and den give other milk. For now if breast milk is less you can give him lactogen or lactodex.
Hello ma’am
M suffering from SLE, HYPERTENSION, RETINOL and CARDIAC PROBLEM . Doctors advice me to take double toned milk but I don’t like pasteurized milk. Now which milk should I take cow’s milk or buffalo’s milk and how???
Hello Giriraj,
You can take cow’s milk. Remove the cream and have 300ml in a day
Hallo Mam, Our Baby’s belly-button’s size is increasing upto 2 cm. some times. Dr. says it will be upto 6 months. Is it okey ?
Hello Sam,
I think in yous case doctor will be the best person to advice to suggest or diagnose as he has seen the baby physically and he is qualified to give the best treatment and suggestion. Don’t worry. Trust your doctor. If incase you are too worried take a second opinion.
Thank you Mam
Hello Sam,
Try giving your lil one NAN 1 or Lactogen. See to it that the baby is not over fed. Gradually incraese the quantity. give small quantity every 1.5 hrs if he cannot take too much at once. Do not over feed.
Thank you very much Mam.
Hi neha,
My age is 25 , hight 5’10″and weight around 60 kg. so i want to gain my weight so please suggest me how to gain weight.
Hello Kamalakanta,
You can start 2 scoops of ensure/ day to gain some weight. And if you want a detailed chart for yourself you have to enrioll with us. If intrested kindly contact
My baby is 1.5 year old. Can i give him the buffalo milk.
Pls reply
Hello Sana,
If your baby is comfortable with buffalo milk you can continue.
My baby is 1.5 year old. Can i give him the buffalo milk.
Pls reply
mam, what is the difference in fat% of cream of cow’s milk(top layer) and rest of the milk
Hello Guru,
Composition of cream of any milk will not vary to a larger extent.
Hi…I am 23 years old and my weight is only 35 kgs. I want to increase my weight. I take buffalo milk everyday morning and night… but its not helping my weight gain..can you say why?
Hello Bindu,
I would advise you to enroll with us and get a personalised diet chart for yourself which will help you gain weight in a healthy way rather then you trying on your own. Weight gain is also as difficult as weight loss. SO contact us on so that we can help you ina better way.
hello doctor
i want to know is buffalo milk is heling in the hair growth and all body keeps fit and if i take regularly i will be fat with this milk or i need to run daily in the morning
Hello Jay,
You can drink buffalo milk after removing its cream. And it is a good way to run every morning to keep yourself health in future.
Hii neha,
My daughter is 2.9 yrs she was hvg tone amul milk whn we r in mumbai as we shifted in morena Mp cow milk available but mixing so can i start with buffalo milk as our neighbours r foodinspector so they hve tested ths buffalo milk no mixing she is 9kg..
Pls reply soon…
Hi Deepti,
You can definitely start you baby on buffalo milk. Make sure you cream out your milk and then use it for entire family.
Hii neha,
My daughter is 2.9yrs she was having amul tone
Milk whn we r in mumbai as we shifted to morena in Mp cow milk is not proper and no tone milk he
Hi Neha I am drinking the baffolo milk but wate is the best cow milk baffolo milk
Hello Yogesh,
You can continue buffalo milk just make sure you cream out milk before consumption as buffalo milk is high in fats.
Hi Neha
I read about more number of persons clarification.U suggests cows milk for Maximum number of persons clarification because all of them are child. Its k. But i want you to suggest buffalos milk for various age groups of humans because all of them concluded that cows milk is better when compare to buffalos milk.Nowadays 1 litre of buffalos milk is Rs.40(approx) but cows milk is Rs.30(approx).In future buffalos milk are demand in market. So i expect you to suggests for buffalos milk.
Hello Saravanakumar,
I dont discourage consumption of buffalo milk if it is taken after removing the cream. Buffalo milk can be had the next day after all the layer of cream is been removed.
my baby is 2 months old. m feeding him powder milk so is it gud to give him cows milk or is it bettr to continue with powder milk. please let me know which milk is gud for my baby.
Mrs. Omer,
Give formula milk to your baby till 5-6 months. After than only give him Cow’s milk.
which milk is best for my family cow’s or Buffalo
my son is just 6 month. Which milk is better for him baffalo or cow ?
Hi Roshu,
You can start with diluted cow’s milk.
Hi Neha,
My Son is 6.5 months old and I am a working mother. Currently, I am using formula milk to feed my baby in my absence. However, I feel there are other side effects of the formula with the quality we get in India as compared to other developed countries. Can I put my baby on cow milk during my work time which is around 9-10 hrs. a day. which is the safe option, kindly suggest?
Hi Sakshi,
You can give your baby cow’s milk or Nan 2 formula milk. If you can store your breastmilk and go for 2-3 feeds in your 9-10hrs of work it would be great.
Thank you, Neha! I want to store breastmilk but there is no provision of storing milk in refrigerator in office. However, the area is completely under AC maintained at temperature of 23 degree. Can I keep and bring back home to freeze or refrigerate for later usage to feed baby. Please advice
Hi Sakshi,
Not advised to store it at 23 degree. It might get spoilt.
giev formula milk when you are not around
Hi Neha Ma’am..
I am 27 year old. I have a belly fat. I have a pain in my knees few months back do dr.advised me to have milk daily..which milk should I have ?
Thanks in advance
Hello Vivek,
Knee pain need not be just because of calcium deficiency. Even if your BMI is higher than normal than also there are chances of knee pain. So try loosing some weight and use toned milk and also use skim milk powder for calcium.
Hello Neha,
My son is 4 year old and having weight 12.3 kg.what should I do to gain his weight.he eats every thing whatever I offer him. Recommended weight should be atleast 14+ kg as per his age. do you have any solution neha….
Hi Neha,
I read your views on
I have a specific question, My son is 3.9 year old and his weight is only 12 KG. I am giving him baffalo milk now. His eating routine is:
2 glass milk
1 cup curd
1 paratha with veg
any fruit.
Problem is he is very thin, no fat at all in his body..what should I do mam? Kidly suggest some changes in his diet…..
Hi neha
umesh this side actuly my height is 5.6Inchs.75kg Weight so I would like to loose my weight.tommrow onwrds I am on diet so plzz suggest me which milk is gud for me .
And can you plz suggest me how to loose weight faster and easier . Qith a diet chat . .
is there any way to find out at home, if the cow’s milk is not from a cow who has been eating garbage ? i am told by my store, the milk is from desi cow . i want to be sure, that im fooled with milk from cows feeding on garbage.
Hi Vidushi,
It would be difficult to find that out. As all the milk collected is combined and then it undergoes pasteurization before reaching us. And as breastmilk composition of all mothers is more or less same, similarly it is for cow’s irrespective of her diet.
Hi neha, my 7 month old baby boy is suffering from bronchites frequently, plz suggest me which milk is good for him. M
Hi Sowmya,
Cow’s Milk is better option.
Hi Neha,
My baby is 15 month old and i am also 4 month pregnant. i have started giving my baby buffalo milk 5-6 ounce twice a day and alomost 100-120 gram of nestle yogurt including breastfeed twice a day. Is this quantity enough for her or i should increase milk intake as i am trying hard to quit breastfeed. she is also underweight and very bad in eating (although i try alot). please tel me if i can give her banana/apple/strawberry milkshake(as she takes few sips of it sometime) . wont it upset baby tummy in terms of frequent stool pass? i will be waiting for your reply
Hi Sadia,
You can continue the milk and yogurt feeds. Apart from that try giving her food is very soft form or semi mashed form. If she has got teeth then give her solid but still kids prefer soft food over solid. Solid food can be introduced to them just for taste purpose as they will not be able to consume in the quantity which should fill them up. Also give her good fat in the diet ( e.g pure ghee, cheese). Add vegetables in the pureed form. You can continue to giver her whole fruit instead of juices. Home made juices will be the best.
thanks neha. but can u tell me about milk quantity at this age? moreover plz let me know about milk shakes?
thanks neha. but can u tell me about milk quantity at this age? moreover plz let me know about milk shakes? and also tell me how long i can continue breastfeeding as i m 4 month pregnant too
Hi Sadia,
You start weaning your child as energy is required for the baby in the womb.500ml in 24hrs is absolutely fine.
Hi Neha,
Thanks alot.Can you please clarify that if i give 100-120 ml yogurt then would it be included in recommended 500 ml of milk or milk means only milk?
please also tell me does banana or apple shakes upsets baby tummy?
Hi Sadia,
Fruits usually doesn’t upset stomach. Still is individualistic as if some one has allergy for that ffruit it might be uncomfortable. You can add yoghurt + 500ml milk.
Hi Neha,
I have a 2.3 year old toddler… Her birth weight was 2.57 Kg however doctors said she is underweight.
When she was 7 months old she got urine infection and since then she could not gain much weight and falling sick very often….
Now she dont have any urine infection however she is not gaining weight properly.
I have been giving her only cow milk when she was 9 months old.
Should I give her Buffalo milk so that she can gain some weight. though she is 2.3 years but she looks like 1.5 year baby.
Please help me to make her gain some weight with good immunity power…… Having sleepless nights for more than 2 years and struggling….
Please reply asap….
Appreciate your help and guidance for my toddler….
I am taking ayurvedic medicine for stress.which milk do you prefer buffalo milk or cow’s milk?
Hi Hyder,
You can continue with Cow’s Milk.
Hello Neha
I am Brij mohan and i am 21 years old. I am a very thin boy . My height is 5’8″ and weight is 52. I wanna make my health what should i do?
Hi Neha,
I’m 23 years old and weight about 62Kg with a height of 173cm. Though my BMI is okay, I still feel that i need to put on some weight. We have cows in the house, so no shortage of cow milk. how much quantity a day is ideal for putting on some weight ? also what are the fruits and vegetables i can add to my daily diet ?
Thank you.
Hello Senthi,
You can have 500ml of milk in 24hrs. And if you want to put on weight start exercising and increase your protein intake so that you put on your muscle weight and not your fat % in the body. Increasing body weight is also as critical as loosing weight. For further guidance mail on
Thanks for the quick reply 🙂 The information is very useful.
I have a baby girl who is 7 and halg month old. From last one month i am giving her cow milk. But the place where i live desi cow milk is not available so i give her jersy cow’s milk. She ia not having any problem in digesting it but i am confused! Is is ok to give jersy cow milk to babies or better to give formula milk only??
Hello Vishnu Priya,
It is always better to eat what is locally available so that you can continue it life long. Jersy cow milk can be given to your baby. Skim the cream and give it to her, there is no problem.
my 5years old kid is not eating vegetables and dal. he eats fruits.likes pizza , noodles withot vegeeis. bournvita twice a day. his weight is 30kg.
how to loose weight and make him eat veggeies.
My daughter is two years old… I have given cows as well as buffallo milk to my child…I started with cows milk,…. once she got high cough, doctor advised not to give cow’s milk and egg….then I started buffalo’s milk….. then my family member stated to tell Buffalo’s milk is not good for child…again I started Cow’s milk…and I am scared that again cough will start… now I am thinking of giving her powder milk…I am ver confused… pls. advise.
Hello Sweta,
Every child is different. Give what suits best to your child. Cow’s milk never results in cough. there is always something else accelerating it. Stick to buffalo milk if your child is comfortable. Don’t over do with milk. 500ml- 600ml in 24hrs should be more than enough.
Hi neha
My son is 3 mth old .we were giving him nan pro 1 since birth as mothers milk was not sufficient.but very few.30 ml .now two days we have increased dose because he demands more.60 ml. But he had loose motions after that day.can it be because of increasing quantity.or should i start cows milk for him as my wife will join duty soon.pllzz tell..
Hello Swapnil,
You can increase the frequency if feed or the quantity. If quantity he is not able to tolerate then increase frequency. Give him 30-30ml every hour till the time your wife is with the baby. Or else you can give 45ml for few days check the tolerance and then increase upto 60ml. Anything new to the baby will show some effects. Do not worry. Continue trial and error. Do not start cows milk, Continue nan pro 1 only.
hi son is 2 years and 4 months old .he does not gain weight..he is very slim .i give him diet consisting of chapati,vegetables,khichdi,porridge,suji,potatoes,toned amul milk,fruits and juices he does not like..but sometimes he have small slice of apple..he is very skinny..what should i do?is there any problem with his absorption and assimilation of food?i gave him deworming suspension also on doctors prescription..what should i do?he must be 11 kg maximum.really worried about him..otherwise he is very active.
Hy Neha
by drinking buffalo’s milk become Fat??
tell ur views plz
nd wt about tea of it??
Hello Maryam,
If you skim buffalo milk before consumption then i don’t think so it would be a problem. Avoid drinking buffalo milk without skimming.
Neha Thankz for telling about it
but uh didnt say anything about tea??
tell sumthing about tea itz effectz on taking it
hi, This is about my project. please answer. In terms age, what is the best age range for drinking buffalo milk?
Hello Kath,
Its about ability to digest buffalo protein and fats. Any age group can have depending on the tolerance.
Hi Neha,
My Baby is now 5 month old and we are giving him Buffalo milk (after removing malai) after 2 months with breast feed.. I don’t know it is good or bad for him but he looks fine and drink milk normally with some sugar added…is there any problem in buffalo milk for him in future ..should we continue or stop giving him buffalo milk..please help me to understand …
Hello Rohit,
As per my experience it’s ok to continue with buffalo milk if your son is comfortable so far.
Hi…myself nikitha I have one & half mounth baby girl…..right now I am breastfeeding her but doctor told she is not getting enough milk is it good to giveher cow milk ….please suggest
Hello Nikitha,
For one and half month old baby even cow’s milk will be hard to digest. You can start Lactogen or Nan-1 for your baby. As these products are designed for infants who are devoid of breastmilk.
hello mam
which cow milk is better indian (desi )cow or hf and jersey cow?
Hello Neha ji,
I went through your blog post above and cloud conclude that Cow milk is always a better choice over buffalo’s milk, since you told that buffalo’s milk has fats that are not recommended. Please can you let us know –
What bad effects can be caused from such un-recommended fat that we drink in buffalo’s milk?
I had once read about 2 types of milks of cows- A1 and A2 types. Amongst which A1 type of milk can even cause cancers. How do we differentiate which milk we are getting from the dairy? Is there any way to recognise which cow’s breed is best for milk?
We can see cows roaming on piles of garbage on roads. Today, usual diet of a cow is polythene and garbage dumped by sweepers outside our backyards. Cows are always found suffering from indigestion. We feel that this garbage causes health hazards if we inhale the gases it produces. In this case how can we expect good quality of milk from cows?
Even trusted dairies purchase milk from cow owners who leave their cows to roam on roads after they get the milk out of them. Though dairies do some sort of treatments after they purchase such milk. Still is it safe to drink such milk which was produced by cow after having a diet of garbage?
If the cow her self is not getting a proper diet how can we expect the milk will have all the nutrients? In such case where should we go to get good milk?
If we talk about packaged milk, I have recent heard news about plastic bottles that are used for baby feeding are a huge factor causing many diseases in infants. Can the plastic bags used for milk packaging do similar side effects?
It will be a great help if you give your views on all the above points and remove my doubts. I don’t drink milk since I don’t consider buffalo’s milk as drinkable and when it comes about cow’s milk, we don’t get a quality milk from a healthy cow. There are rarely any healthy cows left.
Hello Aradhya,
Cow’s milk is better in terms of its nutritional content in comparison to buffalo milk. But for again it depends on the requirement and way you use the milk. If you use buffalo milk on the next day after completely skimming the cream i dont think that buffalo milk have a problem.
I am not qualified to recognize the breed of the cow. Sorry 🙁
As in humans the quality of milk will not change with respect to mother’s diet. Same is the case with cows.
Packaged milk has expiry date that takes in to account the sustainability of the milk.
Plastic bottles used for infants should be always of a good quality. It is advisable to use branded plastics to avoid such infections and poisoning in infants.
Hi,Neha Mem
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Manish. I am sorry to say but you have chosen an absolutely wrong path to loose weight. I would advice you to stop weightloss pills and start exercising or brisk walking. Start eating a low calorie high fiber balanced diet.
i have a 14mnth old baby girl, she is under weight (8kg), but active n quiet smart.. im really worried about her wght.. since fat content is more in buffalo milk.. can i give her bm?
Hi Sherril. If you introducing top milk to her for the first time then it is advisable to start with Cow’s milk. You can add nuts to the milk to improve the quality and quantity of fat. Also give her neogain (by venky’s) supplement for weight gain. Give her calorically dense foods.
respected mam,i have started amodern cow dairy farm with milking machine and we maintain all higine conditions.pls let me know all positive thing of cow milk.which is help full me to educated to general public.thanks
Hi Suresh. You can read the link below
Thank you! for nice information. Please tell me that Can we use Nestle “Milk Pack” instead of using milk directly from cow/buffalo. I want to use milk regularly and the Nestle Milk pack is easily approachable then the other. So please help me Can I use this. Is it good really or company just do frauds for selling their products??
Hello Zohrab,
You can happily consume Nestle milk pack. You can trust the company.
Neha, can you confirm if Nestle A+ Milk (Tetra pack) is A1 or A2 milk?
I am suffering from istma and elergy. Whenever i take bufelo milk regularly, I suffered with pain.
Now i heard that cow milk doesnot effect the estma n elegic patients. I need your dtail comments on it. Can i start taking cow milk for better health? If you ll suggest more and treatmemt, it would be highly appreciable
Hi Khurram,
You can definitely try cow’s milk. Just check wether you are allergic to lactose. Lactose intolerance will cause problems with any kind of milk. Lactose intolerance patients can digest curds but not milk. So Check for lactose intolerance. If you have lactose intolerance you can switch to soya milk.
Hi I have a two month old baby and I gave him breast milk only a month unfortunately. Now he is on similac advance.. can I start him feading with cows milk as I have read that it may cause loose motion to the baby as of contains high lactose difficult to digest
Hi Riya,
Please do not start you baby with any animal milk before he/she is 6 months old. Continue similac. Reason, it’s composition is close to breastmilk.
Hello, I have 3 month old kid is it good to feed buffalo milk or cow milk? If so which is preferable
Hello manasa,
Exclusively breast feeding till 6 months. After 6 months you can start with cow’s Milk.
My daughter is five months old. I gave breast feed for three months. Later was introduced to lactogen . But now i want her to feed on cows mik. Is it good to prefer cow than a buffalo milk. Help me
Hi Amreen,
Definitely go for Cow’s Milk.
hi ma’am please tell help me i have acne problem so which i should take i mean cow or buffalo ? when i drink buffalo milk it produces acne on my face… so if i take cow milk it will too produce acne on my face or not please reply……thanx
Hi Soma,
Consider cow’s Milk for over all health. ALso apply raw cow’s milk on your face before taking bath.
I’m 20 and my height is 162cm n weight is 49kgs.How to increase maximum weight? I do a very heavy workout.
can you please go through this site and tell me which milk is better.
i am 27 yr old male and moderate worker in a day
hi miss
my age 20 but weight is very poor only 50kg please tell me mam which milk is better for my body and weight growth
Hello Nishant,
You can go through my blog for weight gain. It will be useful for you. You can choose any milk. Milk is not the only food which will help you gain few kilos.
Which type of milk is better for 45 and 68years old or above women plz reply
Hello Farah,
Cow’smilk will be better or double toned milk less that 3% fat.
I live in Pakistan and doctor has diagnosed cow’s milk protein allergy to my 1year old son. Kindly let me know which milk formula or fresh/gawala or Nido 1+ would be suitable to him.
Hi Rubina,
Is your baby allergic to whey that is protein in the milk or the baby is allergic to lactose that is the sugar in the milk. Both are different components. If allergic to milk protein then any formula feed will contain milk solids or any component of milk. I think you can give your baby soya milk as of now. And you can try cow’s milk after a year or two just to check it’s tolerance. It happens that in early stage of life infants don’t digest but as they grow they can tolerate cow’s milk. Is your baby able to tolerate curds?
Waiting for your reply.
Thanks for your reply. With respect to curd, not sure as when he had it, symptoms of allergy were already present. He is allergic to cow’s protein and not lactose. Availability of soya milk would be difficult here. Is soya really a milk?? I heard its not really a milk and not good for children. Also Nido 1+ would also have protein element or not??
I am not aware of Nido1+ as the product is not so popular in India. If you can mail me pictures of the container i will be able to help you better.
Neha Kava
Hi Neha,
During Pregnancy, is it necessary to take milk, since I don’t like milk. If I take without interest I may vomit. So please tell me the importance of milk intake during pregnancy and the quantity to take which is required for baby and mother. Can I take milk and corn flakes in the morning.
Also suggest me the foods/drinks to take instead of milk consumption which may give same nutrients as milk provide.
Hi there,
Milk is usually recommended to increase your intake of calcium and protein. If you include supplements for the same there is not such specific to have milk only. You can have milk in invisible form that is knead you chapati dough with milk, Add milk powder to the flour, or any hot snacks item like dhokla, Muthiya, idli batter etc.
You can take cornflakes with milk for breakfast. that’s absolutely OK.
Hi, I was wondering what’s better for weight training (buffalo or cow)?
I’m not fat, but i think buffalo is good because of its percentage of protein.
You need to check the fat also that comes in with protein. So you have to choose wether you want a low fat milk or a high protein milk. I would suggest Cow’s Milk
My baby is now 16 months old. I m in USA from last September n here I usually give her 2% low fat milk so I m confused which milk is good for her over all body development
Which milk should I give her whole milk or 2% low fat milk please help me
Hi Anita,
Your baby can be given whole milk undoubtedly. Cholesterol is required for baby’s brain development. So no harm to give your baby whole fat milk also.
Hello Dr.
I am 2 months pregnant. My gynec has adv me to have a glass of milk everyday.. can you advice me which milk is better for pregnancy.. cow’s or buffallo’s
Hi Gouri,
You can have Cow’s milk. Maximum 2 glasses a day. You increase intake of fresh fruits, dry fruits and nuts. Apart from that keep a check of your weight gain.On an average 1kg weight gain per moth swould be greart.
Any other help do let me knw.
Thank you mam..
Hi Neha
you really have good knowledge on the topic. plz tell me how to check the cow or Buffalo milk at home,whether it is pure or not????
Hi Gul,
You can carry out the following test for milk’s purity.
Milk slip test – Put a drop of milk on a polished vertical surface. If it stops or flows slowly, leaving a white trail behind, it is pure milk. Milk mixed with water or other agents will flow down immediately without a trace.
Reduction test – Boil some milk on a slow heat while moving it with a spoon till it becomes solid (khoya). Take it off the heat and wait for 2-3 hours. If the produced solid is oily, the milk is of good quality; if it’s not, it means the milk is synthetic.
Though there is no test which u can carry at home to check wether milk is cow’s milk or buffalo’s milk.
My son is 4yrs old and he is having running nose problem always…his doc told not to give cow’s milk while having cold… it true?….
Hi Shazia,
It’s an ancient myth that milk & its products increases the cough formation in the body. But a serving of 200-250 ml in day would not cause any side effects. Just make sue you boil milk properly.
please do tell me if my baby don’t like cows milk and he can digest buffaloes then is it good and healthy for him.or any drawbacks side affect, deficiencies. he is of 4.4yrs
Hie Ketaki,
Buffalo Milk is good for young children provided they are physically active. You just need to skim the milk so there is no excess fat in milk which may cause problem in the future.
My daughter is 10 years old ..she is having eye of my cousin told me to give her cow milk which is good for eyes ..Is it true? plese give me ur opinion neha..
Hie Manorama,
Cow’s milk is a natural medicine for many problems. But purity of the milk is the BIG question mark. Specifically for eye sight cow’s milk doesn’t do wonder. You can try a herbal supplement called “Vision Health” by Amway. It had good results.
hmmmmmm.this is good for yur child. always prefare her cow milk if mothers milk is not avilable
i belong to pakistan my son is 11 month old and we are giving him bufalow milk but here in pakistan mosly milkmen inject bufalows for more milk.i want to ask you is there sidefects injected milk for children.
Hello Fayyan,
Lactating cows are usually given hormonal injections to increase their milk production.There is some amount of hormones which transfer to milk also. So excess feeding of milk should be restricted. Moderate amounts are tolerable by kids. Boiling milk properly will help to reduce the side effects, if any.
Hi Neha
my daughter is 9 months older. we are thinking to introduce cow milk or buffalo milk as her mother’s milk is becoming insufficient. baby cries for milk frequently in night. we also planning to stop breast feed. please advise
Hi Vijay.
You can start with cow’s milk. Weaning baby from breast milk to mash foods is recommended but complete No breastfeeding is not recommended. Minimum 18months of breast feeding is required for the baby to have good immunity. After 18months you can start your efforts to stop breast feeding.
Hi please help with some diet plan I am 21 year old female I weigh around 85 kgs please suggest the best to decrease my weight as soon as possible.
Hi Nayana,
We will surely provide you with the diet plan. You can make payment of Rs.500 to nutrichoice4u to giving you personalised diet plan. Our Dietitian will contact you on mail, skype or phone and take your food and health history and design a diet suitable for you and your routine. If you do payment within 24 hrs then you will get 20% discount on 500Rs.
We give guarantee of 3kgs wt loss in 20-25 days.
Hello neha,
Thanx for such a nice information.
My question is which milk is better for enhancing memory, like for those who are students?
Hello Prabhat,
Cow’s milk is beneficial for over all development of any person. Brain cells do require fat which is sufficiently present in Cow’ Milk/
Buffaloes milk is also good but it has many other factors which makes it little inferior for eg. Buffalo milk is high in Cholesterol.
Dr. I get headache when i skip my regular cup of tea. is this sign of addication? Is harmful for health?
Hello Ganga,
Skipping a cup of milk followed by a headache is definitely a sign of addiction. It’s not harmful if u take 2-3 small cups of tea in a day. Anything in moderation is good. If you want to go away from this addiction you can reduce the quantity of tea powder you put in your tea gradually and stop its intake.
Hi Neha.
This is pooja.i hve a young baby who is 4 months old.
I want to give him cow milk frm 5 months,i am confused between cow n buffalo milk,
Buffalo milk is vry heavy,has high fat %,but my son is not abpe to digest formula milk,his.stools r.very bad smelled always.i give him nan pro1.
And I heard that cows milk has iodine n easily.digestible.
And buffalo milk.causes chest.infection,my nephew who consumed buffalos.milk from 6 months is.having bronchitis and lot of.phlem and visits hospital evry.month.r less.
I happy to my son.
Please.suggest me which son.
Hi Pooja. Cow’s milk has properties and composition very close to breast milk. So when you start weaning your baby it is best suggested to start with cow’s milk. Initially add 1 tablespoon of water to 50ml of cow’s milk and feed the baby. Slowly as your baby gets used to it you can reduced the addition of milk and and give pure cow’s milk with some pure honey added.
hi nehaji
iam prashanth iam giving nanpro1 to my 40days older baby boy.but he very much struggling to go potty.i read ur posts its very helpful and iam out of confused which milk is better so iam going to start cow’s milk to him.u told initial starting cow milk add 1 table spoon of water with boy taking 70ml now shall i add one and a half table spoon water? or 1 spoon water pls tell me.
Hello Prashanth,
40 days old baby should be on exclusive breast feeding. But if you are already giving nan pro 1, continue the same. Add enough water as prescribed on the box. Give luke warm water. And kids sometimes pass motion once in 2 days or 3 days. So nothing to worry.
hi iam kaleem &iam thin so i dicided to drink buffolo milk which contain more fat but after drinking one month my stomach is paining so what should i do
Hi Kaleem.Definitely Buffalo milk has more fat but the quality of fat is not recommended. Instead you can have frequent meals and also include 2 bananas, 1 egg, 2 glass of cow’s milk and sprouts in your diet additional to your regular meal. If all this is not comfortable then 2 tablespoon ENsure twice a day in Cow’s milk will definitely help to gain some weight in 3 months.
Hi Neha,
I have started taking Cow milk last two days, I got dry cough due to over heat, this is due to cow milk
Hello Murthy,
It is very unlikely to have cough due to cow’s milk. Just to get an idea, which milk you use to drink before? May be after that I can answer your question
My son is 3.7 years old. His weight is 15 kg. We are giving him cow milk. Whether we have to change to buffalo milk for a little weight gain. We have also given pedicure for one year. Now we are continuing with complan. Whether any other
Good drink
Hello Mr. Nayak.
I think you meant Pediasure. That is the best supplement for kids. YOu should continue the same for better results. Give him eggs and bananas in a day. Also add ghee to his meals.
Hi, thank you for great information. You said buffalo milk had high cholesterol then why it preferred for diabetes and other problem…?
Hello Shiva,
Buffalo milk is not advised for Diabetics. There is some confusion. Kindly reassure the source of information.